Ceremony Attendance Query (SHACATQ) page

The Ceremony Attendance Query Form is a stand alone search page which is used to display detail information for a ceremony and its attendees. From this page, the user can select the Ceremony Attendance item in the Options Menu or perform a Count Query Hits function to access the Ceremony Attendance (SHACATT) page, or press the View/Update Diploma item in the Options Menu or perform a List function to access the Diploma (SHADIPL) page, if more attendee detail is desired. When information is changed or updated on SHACATT or SHADIPL, the modifications will be reflected on the Ceremony Attendance Query Form.

Fields Descriptions
Attending The Attending field in the Key block will calculate and display the number of persons attending the ceremony.
Diploma If the Diploma box is checked, it indicates that this ceremony is the one where the attendee will receive their diploma. The box may be unchecked by accessing the Diploma (SHADIPL) page and removing the data in the Ceremony and Term fields. Only one diploma can be awarded per degree.

You can access SHACATQ from the SHACRMQ page. To do so, select the Ceremony Attendance Detail item in the Options Menu.

Note: Execute the search on SHACRMQ first, and then use the Options Menu to access SHACATQ.