Payment Options section

Use this section to set up the payment options with detail codes and charges. At least one detail code and amount must be entered in this section when the Charge Graduation Fee check box is checked.

If you check the Charge Graduation Fee check box, and you do not enter a detail code or an amount, a warning message is displayed. You can proceed and enter that data at a later time. However, the student cannot proceed with the graduation application in self-service, because the charge information is missing. An error is displayed in self-service to contact the administrator/registrar.

Fields Descriptions
Payment Option Payment option for the rule.

List Web Payment Options Validation (STVWPYO)

Description Description of the payment option.
Detail Code Detail code from TSADETC for the payment option.
Charge Charge amount associated with the payment option. This field can be updated.
User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.