Component Definition

Use the Component Definition section of the page to view and update component definition records. Records cannot be deleted, changed, or inserted if any student in this section has been rolled to academic history. The deletion check includes looking for component definition records with existing sub-component records.

Note the following restrictions on updates to existing component definition records:
  • If there are students registered for the CRN, and no grades have been rolled to academic history (the Grades Rolled check box is clear), you can change the component definitions. When you save the changes, Banner upgrades the student mark records. The system warns you that these changes will filter down to existing students registered in this section. You can either proceed or cancel.
  • Component definitions cannot be removed if a grade has been entered for any student in the class.
  • Records cannot be inserted if there are students in the class that have had grades rolled to academic history. (The Grades Rolled check box is clear.)
  • If any student in the class has grades that have been rolled to academic history, you cannot modify the component definition. The purpose of this restriction is to ensure that grades are treated uniformly throughout the class.
    Note: Allowable updates to any field in this section (except the Description) cause Banner to recalculate the midterm and final grades for all students in the class. This is also true for inserted or deleted component records.
Fields Descriptions
Sequence Sequence number used in the Component Grade Detail page in Self-Service to determine the order in which the components will be displayed to the student.

This should represent the chronological order in which the components are assigned to the student. This field is not validated.

Name Name of the gradable component.
Description A description of the component that is meaningful to the student. This description is displayed on the Component Grade Detail page in Self-Service.
Weight Weight that the mark for this component has in the calculation of midterm or final grades. This can be greater than 100 for components and sub-components.
Marked Out of Total attainable marks for the component. The value in this field is used to determine the percentage for the component.
Due Date Date field that can be used for items such as assignment due date, quiz, or exam date.
Must Pass Check box used to indicate whether the student must pass the component to attain a passing grade for the course.
Include Midterm/Final Designates which components are counted in either the midterm or the final grade. Valid values are Midterm and Final, which are saved to the database as M or F.
and Sequence Sequence number used to indicate that the and logic is to be applied to the component with the next highest sequence number.

This field is used in conjunction with the and field to order the and logic correctly. This sequence number is independent of the Sequence field which is used to order component display in Banner Self-Service.

and Sub set logic, such as OR, AND, or NULL, to be applied to the set of components.

The components must be entered in the proper sequence for this logic to work correctly. If the field is left blank, then the process uses AND logic.

Grade Scale Grade scale code for the numeric range and letter grade from the SHBGSCH table. This grade scale is tied to the CRN in the Key block but can be overridden at the component level if a different grade scale is needed.

The values for the Grade Scale, Late Rule, and Resit Rule fields default from either the Grade Scale Assignment section or from SOATERM when the rule is created, if they have been assigned. These values can be overridden by the user.

Late Rule Late rule code for the grade scale assignment.

If a value exists in SOATERM in the Default Component Late Rule field, that is default value for this field. This value can be overridden by the user.

If no late rule is entered for a component, then no degradation of marks occurs for late submissions, and the submission and extension dates entered for a student are for informational purposes only.

The values for the Grade Scale, Late Rule, and Resit Rule fields default from either the Grade Scale Assignment section or from SOATERM when the rule is created, if those values have been assigned. These values can be overridden by the user.

Resit Rule Resit rule for the grade scale assignment.

If a value exists in SOATERM in the Default Component Resit Rule field, that is the default for this field. This value can be overridden by the user.

If no resit rule is entered for a component, then the maximum number of resits is effectively zero, and you cannot enter any resit scores.

The values for the Grade Scale, Late Rule, and Resit Rule fields default from either the Grade Scale Assignment section or from SOATERM when the rule is created, if those values have been assigned. These values can be overridden by the user.

Pass Mark Grade required to pass this component. This value is validated against the assigned grade scale. The pass mark value defaults from the grade scale assigned to the component but can be overridden by the user.
Best Of Determines which highest graded child sub-components will go forward to make up this component grade. If the field is left blank, then the process uses all OR logic as the best one of.
Subset Of Number of child sub-components (components within a subset) to be used in the subset calculations to produce a component score.

The sub-component definition could be as follows:

If the Subset Of field has a value of 2, the student is only expected to take two of the four sub-components. When scores are entered in Banner Faculty and Advisor Self-Service for two sub-components for the student, the composite grade calculation is invoked without the need to enter dummy scores in the remaining two sub-components. If the Subset Of field is not completed, scores must be entered for all sub-components, even if the student had not attempted all of them.

Mark Anonymous Check box used to indicate whether the component is available for anonymous grading.

If this check box is selected, all sub-components will be automatically marked for anonymous grading.

Even if this check box is clear, the Mark Anonymous check box can be selected for sub-components.

Midterm Total Weight Total component weight for the midterm grade.
Final Total Weight Total component weight for the final grade.

An example of the Subset Of field could be as follows:

Sub-Component Definition Condition
Sub-Component 1 OR
Sub-Component 2 OR
Sub-Component 3 OR
Sub-Component 4