Update of Existing Grade Scale

If students are registered for the CRN, and no grades have been rolled to academic history (the Grades Rolled check box is clear), you can select another grade scale from the lookup button.

When you select a different grade scale, Banner recalculates any existing midterm and final grades and reassigns letter grades based on the percentage achieved by the student for the component.

Fields Descriptions
Grade Scale Grade scale code and description for the gradable component assignment.
Grades Rolled Check box used to indicate whether grades have been rolled to academic history for the CRN.
Best Of Number of components attached to this section (CRN) which should be compared and used to calculate the section grade.

The field is used in conjunction with the sub-set (and) logic stored on the component definition. If this field is left blank, then all OR logic will be implied as best one of.

Subset Of Number of child sub-components (components within a subset) to be used in the subset calculations to produce a component score.

The component definition could be as follows:

If the Subset Of field has a value of 2, the student is only expected to take two of the four components. When scores are entered in Banner Faculty and Advisor Self-Service for two components for the student, the composite grade calculation is invoked without the need to enter dummy scores in the remaining two components.

If the Subset Of field does not contain a value, scores must be entered for all components, even if the student had not attempted all of them.

An example of the Subset Of field could be as follows:


Component Definition Condition
Component 1 OR
Component 2 OR
Component 3 OR
Component 4