Grade Code Maintenance

Use the Grade Code Maintenance section of the page to perform the following.

All grade codes are specified by level. Grade codes are stored by effective date to allow you to specify new values for existing grade codes, if your institution's policies change. New grade codes may be entered for future terms, and the system will not use them until the effective date comes due. Likewise, a grade code which is no longer valid can be deactivated by creating an entry which has an effective term equal to the term in which you want to deactivate the grade. When this entry has been created, changing the grade status indicator to an I (Inactive) flags this as not valid.

Fields Descriptions
Grade Code Grade code for the rule. Grade codes reflect your institution’s grading policy. They are user-defined and can be from one to six characters. You can use alpha, numeric, and special characters.

The quality points and indicators associated with each grade code determine how the hours for the course are counted in the student's academic record.

Level Course level code for which each grade code is valid.

Each grade code must be defined for each course level in which it is valid. Defining grade codes by course level allows institutions to have different grading policies for different levels.

Effective Term Effective term code and description for the rule. This is the earliest term for which the grade will be used and the term in which the grade code becomes effective.

This allows an institution to reflect changes in grading policy and grade definition. If an institution's grading policy changes, the old grade can be inactivated, and the new grade can use the new effective term.

Any grades entered on a student's record for terms before the earliest effective term for the grade code/level will not be processed correctly by GPA calculations and other system processing.

Abbreviation Grade code abbreviation description. The abbreviation is not used in by system processes such as transcripts or grade mailers.
Status Grade status. Values are I (Inactive) or A (Active). The default is A.

A grade definition can be inactivated when it is no longer valid for entry as a grade on a student's record.

Quality Points Quality points associated with the grade code/level beginning in the effective term. Quality points are entered in format 999.999 and are used in the GPA calculation.

Quality points are multiplied by the credit hours of the course. The result is then divided by the GPA divisor hours to calculate the GPA.

The following fields are in the Count in information.
Count in Attempted Check box used to indicate whether the credit hours in a course to which the grade has been assigned should be counted in the student's attempted hours. Attempted hours are defined by the institution, based on their grading policy. The default is unchecked (N).
Count in Passed Check box used to indicate whether the credit hours in a course to which the grade has been assigned should be counted in the student's passed hours. Passed hours are defined by the institution, based on their grading policy. The default is unchecked (N).
Count in Earned Check box used to indicate whether the credit hours in a course to which the grade has been assigned should be counted in the student’s earned (completed) hours. Earned hours are defined by the institution, based on their grading policy. The default is unchecked (N).

Earned hours are used for the determination of student classification. They are also printed on grade mailers and transcripts, and are the only hours which are accumulated toward requirement fulfillment in CAPP compliance processing.

Count in GPA Check box used to indicate whether the credit hours and quality points in a course to which the grade has been assigned should be used in the GPA calculation. The default is unchecked (N).

The GPA divisor hours are divided into the result of the course credit hours multiplied by the quality points to determine a student's GPA.

The following fields are in the Incomplete Grade information.
Incomplete Grade Indicator Check box used to indicate whether the grade code is defined for use with incomplete grade processing. The default is unchecked (N).
Incomplete Grade Default Used to define a default, replacement, final grade for the incomplete grade if coursework has not been completed.

Valid values from SHRGRDE include all non-incomplete grade codes that are active for the same level as the incomplete grade.

Incomplete Grade Numeric Value Numeric value associated with the grade to determine the minimum grade needed for degree compliance.

The numeric value is used by system processing (such as repeat checking and CAPP compliance verification) to determine when a grade meets a minimum grade requirement or which grade is considered to be highest when compared to other grades. The higher the grade, the higher the numeric value you want to use.

The following fields are in the Indicators information.
Traditional Check box used to indicate whether the grade is traditional or non-traditional for degree compliance. Traditional grades can be A, B, C, and so on. Non-traditional grades can be Pass, No credit, Audit, and so on. The default is unchecked (N).

CAPP requirements can specify the maximum allowable number of credits and courses for which a non-traditional grade which can be applied to the requirements.

Web Check box used to specify whether the grades will be available for entry through the Banner Faculty and Advisor Self-Service Mid-Term Grades page and Final Grades page.

This allows the restriction of certain grades from being available for faculty entry. The default value is checked (Y) when new grade definitions are added, but this can be changed to unchecked (N) at any time.

Repeat Check box used to specify whether the associated grade will be included in the repeat processing evaluation when SHRRPTS is run. The default is checked (Y).
Last Attended Check box used to indicate whether the grade code requires the entry of the student’s last attendance date for the class on SFAALST, SFASLST, or on the Final Grades page in Banner Faculty and Advisor Self-Service. The default is unchecked (N).