Rule Assignment

Use the Rule Assignment section of the page to define a rule for the grade book rule process. Each rule name is associated with a parameter-based coded function which performs the rule calculation. To define a rule, the Rule Name, Description, and Function fields are the required.

Fields Descriptions
Rule Name Grade book rule name. For each rule definition record, the rule name must be unique.

For an existing rule, the Rule Name cannot be updated and will be display only.

Description Grade book rule description. An existing rule description can be updated and saved.
Function Lists of functions or procedures from the SHKEGRB package. A function or procedure in a package has the logic to perform the rule calculation. Select the required function from the list.

For an existing record, if a function is updated, the previous function’s associated parameter name and its values will be deleted. For the new function selected, the function parameter(s) will be displayed, and the name and values must be entered.

Functions can exist with out the parameter(s), but if a parameter(s) exists, a minimum of one parameter value is required to save the rule definition record.

For existing records which are assigned on SOATERM or SHAGCOM, the Rule Name and Function fields cannot be updated and will be display only.

System Required Check box used to determine which rules are system required.

If the check box is checked, the rule cannot be deleted.

LATE and RESIT are system-required rule names for which the System Required check box is checked.