Graduation Update Values Information

Use this section to add update values for graduation records based on the search criteria entered in the Search window.

Fields Descriptions
Graduation Term Graduation term for the update criteria.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Graduation Status Graduation application status for the update criteria.

List Graduation Application Status (STVGAST)

Graduation Year Graduation year for the update criteria.

List Academic Year Validation (STVACYR)

Graduation Date Graduation date for the update criteria.
Outcome Status Degree status for the update criteria.

List Degree Status Code Validation (STVDEGS)

Fee Radio group used to indicate whether fees are to be charged, not charged, or waived for the update criteria.

Valid values are: None, Charge Fee, Waive Fee

Fee Detail Code Fee detail code for the charged graduation fee. The Fee field must be set to Charge Fee to enter a fee code in this field. When a fee code is entered, the fee amount, date, and term code must also be entered.

List Detail Code Control (TSADETC) page

Fee Amount Graduation fee amount for the update criteria.
Fee Date Date graduation fee was assessed. The system date is the default, but it can be changed.
Fee Term Code Graduation fee term code for the update criteria.

List - Term Code Validation (STVTERM)