Diploma Update and Insert Values section

Use this section to add update and insert values for diploma records based on the search criteria entered in the Search window.

Fields Descriptions
These fields are in the Diploma Update Values information.
Awarding Institution Awarding institution to be printed on the diploma for the update criteria.

List Graduation Institution Name Validation (STVINNM)

Ceremony Graduation ceremony for the update criteria.

List Ceremony Type Validation (STVCERT)

Count Hits Ceremony Query (SHACRMQ) page

Ceremony Term Ceremony term for the update criteria.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Count Hits Ceremony Query (SHACRMQ) page

Diploma Order Date Date diploma was ordered for the update criteria.
Diploma Mail Date Date diploma will be mailed for the update criteria.
Diploma Pickup Date Date diploma will be picked up for the update criteria.
This field is in the Diploma Insert Values information.
Create Ceremony Attendance Check box used to indicate whether ceremony attendance records should be created (SHACATT) so that ceremony data can be added to the diploma record. The ceremony and ceremony term will not be updated on the diploma record unless a SHACATT record exists for the same ceremony and ceremony term.