Mass Update Diploma (SHAMUDI) page / Main window |
Use this section to enter the search criteria for mass diploma update processing. Use the search criteria and the population selection criteria to perform the search.
Fields | Descriptions |
Outcome Status | Degree status for the search criteria.
List Degree Status Code Validation (STVDEGS) |
Ceremony | Graduation ceremony for the search criteria.
List Ceremony Type Validation (STVCERT) Count Hits Ceremony Query (SHACRMQ) page |
Ceremony Term | Ceremony term for the search criteria.
List Term Code Validation (STVTERM) Count Hits Ceremony Query (SHACRMQ) page |
Awarding Institution | Awarding institution to be printed on the diploma for the search criteria.
List Graduation Institution Name Validation (STVINNM) |
Class | Class code for the search criteria, based on the primary curriculum.
List Class Code Validation (STVCLAS) Count Hits Student Classification Rules (SGACLSR) page |
Level | Level for the search criteria.
List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) |
Campus | Campus for the search criteria.
List Campus Validation (STVCAMP) |
College | College for the search criteria.
List College Validation (STVCOLL) |
Degree | Degree for the search criteria.
List Degree Code Validation (STVDEGC) |
Program | Program for the search criteria.
List Existing Programs (SMAPRLE) |
Field of Study Type | Learner field of study type for the search criteria.
List Learner Field of Study Type (GTVLFST) |
Field of Study Code | Field of study code for the search criteria.
List All Major Codes (STVMAJR) |
Department | Department for the search criteria.
List Department Validation (STVDEPT) |
Curricula | Curriculum for the search criteria. This field is required when any curriculum information is entered and defaults to Any.
If no other curriculum items are entered, this field is not included in the search. Valid values are Primary, Secondary, Any. |