Current Standing

The Current Standing section of the page displays the student’s current academic standing, progress evaluation, and combined academic standing. It also displays information for the level, the student’s total attempted hours, total passed hours, total earned hours, total GPA hours, total quality points, and total GPA for an institution, from a transfer institution, and for overall. Use the Current Standing section to access this section of the page.

Note: If a student is a transfer student, then all the details such as credit hours (attempted, passed, earned, GPA hours) and GPA will be transferred to the current institution.

Based on the total institution hours and total transferred hours, the overall hours and overall GPA are calculated and displayed in this section. Overall is the summation of inst and transferred credit hours, GPA, and quality points for a student across all terms for the selected level. All students may not have transfer information.

Fields Descriptions
First Term Attended Term code and description for the first term that the student attended.
Last Term Attended Term code and description for the last term that the student attended.
Academic Standing Academic status code and description the student’s earned academic standing. The academic standing can be defined on the General Student (SGASTDN) page.

If the student is new or if no standing exists, the system assumes a standing of 00. For continuing students, the system retrieves the previous term’s academic standing from the End of Term Academic Standing field of the Term Header information of the Term Course Maintenance (SHAINST) page.

Academic Standing Override Displays the user-entered academic standing override code.

For a term, the General Student (SGASTDN) page is used to override the academic standing status.

Progress Evaluation Progress evaluation code and description for the student.

The value displayed in this field comes from the SHRTTRM_PREV_CODE.

Progress Evaluation Override Displays the user-entered progress evaluation override code and description.

For a term, the General Student (SGASTDN) page is used to override the Progress Evaluation.

The value displayed in this field comes from the SGBSTDN_PREV_CODE.

Combined Academic Standing Combined academic standing code and description.

The combined academic standing code is a single value that reflects a student’s academic standing and progress evaluation. This is defined by a combination of an academic standing code and a progress evaluation code.

The value displayed in this field comes from the SHRTTRM_CAST_CODE.

Combined Academic Standing Override Displays the user-entered combined academic standing override code and description.

For a term, the General Student (SGASTDN) page is used to override the academic standing status.

The value displayed in this field comes from the SGBSTDN_CAST_CODE.