Student Subject Sequence History (SHASUBJ) page |
Use the Subject GPA section to access this section of the page and view subject GPA and GPA by Study Path information for institution, transfer, and overall course data.
Fields | Descriptions |
The following fields are in the Institution Hours and Points information. | |
Institution Attempted Hours | Total number of credits hours that the student attempted for a CRN/section. |
Institution Passed Hours | Total number of credits hours that the student passed for a CRN/section. |
Institution Earned Hours | Total number of credits hours that the student earned for a CRN/Section. |
Institution GPA Hours | Total number of credits hours that impact the student’s GPA for a CRN/section. |
Institution Quality Points | Total number of quality points for the CRNs/sections that a student completed at an institution. |
Institution GPA | Student’s GPA earned for the CRNs/sections stored in academic history. If you select the None option from the Study Path drop-down list, the Institution Hours and Points information block displays only the student's subject GPA. If you select the Courses with No Study Path option from the Study Path drop-down list, the Institution Hours and Points information block displays only the student's subject GPA that is not associated to any Study Path. |
Institution GPA by Study Path | Displays the student's GPA by Study Path earned for the CRNs/sections stored in academic history. If you select a Study Path value, then the student's GPA for the selected Study Path is displayed in the Institution Hours and Points information block. |
The following fields are in the Transfer Hours and Points information. | |
Transfer Attempted Hours | Total number of credit hours attempted by the student, which is transferred from one institution to another institution. |
Transfer Passed Hours | Total number of credit hours passed by the student, which is transferred from one institution to another institution. |
Transfer Earned Hours | Total number of credit hours earned by the student, which is transferred from one institution to another institution. |
Transfer GPA Hours | Total number of credit hours that impact the student’s GPA, which is transferred from one institution to another institution. |
Transfer Quality Points | Total number of quality points for the CRNs/sections that a student completed at an institution, which is transferred to another institution. |
Transfer GPA | Student’s GPA earned for the CRNs/sections at an institution, which is transferred to another institution. |
The following fields are in the Overall Hours and Points information. | |
Overall Attempted Hours | Total number of credit hours that the student attempted overall. |
Overall Passed Hours | Total number of credit hours that the student passed overall. |
Overall Earned Hours | Total number of credit hours that the student earned overall. |
Overall GPA Hours | Total number of credit hours that impact the student’s GPA overall. |
Overall Quality Points | Total number of quality points for the CRNs/sections that the student completed overall. |
Overall GPA | Student’s overall GPA. |
Overall GPA by Study Path | Student’s overall GPA by Study Path. |