Transfer Institution Catalog Entry (SHATATC) page / Main window |
Use this section to enter the institution, program, and default institution. When in the Program field, you can use List to access program codes from SMAPRLE, Count Query hits to search programs on SMIPROG, or Edit to display a list of unique program codes for which transfer courses have been defined for the institution code entered in the Key block. (The Programs Defined for Institution item in the Option List can also be used.)
When a value is entered in the Default Institution field and a next section is performed, the page copies all existing transfer course records associated with the Default Institution value into the tables for the STVSBGI code entered in the Institution field, subject to certain limitations. The limitations are that in order for a transfer course record to be copied, its level code must be valid according to the records in the Transfer Levels section of the Transfer Articulation Institution (SOABGTA) page.
It cannot be assumed that effective terms for different transfer level codes defined in the Transfer Level section of SOABGTA are the same from institution to institution. Transfer level effective terms play an important role in determining the effective term of transfer courses when they are defaulted from one institution to another. Please see the example below for more details.
Institution A and Institution B have the following transfer levels defined on SOABGTA with the corresponding effective terms:
Transfer Level Codes | Effective Term Codes Institution A |
Effective Term Codes Institution B |
CE | 199010 | N/A |
GR | 199510 | 199310 |
UG | 200010 | 200510 |
Institution A has several courses defined at each transfer level shown above. All of the CE level courses have an effective term of 199010, all of the GR courses have an effective term of 199510, and all of the UG courses have an effective term of 200010. In other words, each transfer course's effective term matches the effective term of its level as defined on SOABGTA.
If values are entered in both the Program and Default Institution fields before going to the next section, this indicates the intent to copy only those course records from the default institution that have been defined for that program. In this case, a warning message is displayed that only those courses defined for that program will be copied, and the Default Institution function cannot be used again. You have the option to cancel the copy process, which will roll back all of the changes and allow them to remove the value from the Program field. You also have the option to continue, in which case only those records defined for the program will be copied.
If records exist with a value defined in the Minimum Grade field that has not been defined in SHATGRD for the new institution, the Invalid Grade code exists warning message will be displayed. You have the option to cancel the copy process, which will roll back all of the changes and allow you to define the missing grade codes in SHATGRD. You also have the option to continue, in which case the records will be copied, but with a null value in the Minimum Grade field.
If records exist in the Comments section and Course Attributes section for the transfer courses being defaulted from one institution to another, you are prompted to decide if the system should copy those records as well.
Fields | Descriptions |
Institution | Enter the institution for which transfer courses can be processed. Use the Search feature to access the Source/Background Institution Query Only (SOISBGI) page in Enter Query mode. Enter and execute a search, select a value, and exit back to SHATATC. List Source or Background Institution Query Only (SOISBGI) page |
Default Institution | Use this field to copy all existing transfer course records associated with the Default Institution value into the tables for the STVSBGI code entered in the Institution field. For a transfer course record to be copied, its level code must be valid according to the records in the Transfer Levels section of the Transfer Articulation Institution (SOABGTA) page. |