Curriculum Print Options window

This window is used to select the curriculum data to be included in the transcript. This window is divided into four sections: Primary Learner Curriculum, Secondary Learner Curriculum, Primary Outcome Curriculum, and Secondary Outcome Curriculum. Use the Curriculum Print Options section to access this window.

Note: If the data for a field does not exist in the record, the field name will not be printed on the paper and self-service transcripts. For example, if the campus data is blank for a student’s curriculum record, “CAMPUS:”, with no data following it, will not be displayed on the transcript.

The following fields are in this window.

Fields Descriptions
These fields are in the Primary Learner Curriculum.
Primary Learner Curriculum SHRTPRT_CURR_LABEL – Learner Primary Curriculum Label

This is the title of the primary curriculum record for the learner. If this field is blank, no title is printed on the transcript for the primary curriculum information.

The default value for the label is "Current Program".

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Program SHRTPRT_PROGRAM – Option to Print Program Description for Learner Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the program description for the current, active, learner primary curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Degree SHRTPRT_DEGREE_PRINT – Option to Print Degree for Learner Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the degree description for the active, current, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. This information will print underneath the label created for the primary learner curriculum. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

College SHRTPRT_CURR_COLLEGE_PRINT – Option to Print College for Learner Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the college description from the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Campus SHRTPRT_CURR_CAMPUS_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Campus for Learner Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the campus description for the curriculum from the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major SHRTPRT_CURR_MAJOR_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Majors for Learner Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the major description(s) for the curriculum from the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major Concentration SHRTPRT_MAJCONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Concentrations Attached to Majors in the Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the concentration description(s) for concentrations that are attached to majors for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed. Major concentrations are printed immediately below the major to which they are attached in the curriculum record.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Minor SHRTPRT_MINOR_PRINT – Option to Print Current Minors for the Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the minor description(s) for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Concentration SHRTPRT_CONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Concentrations for the Primary Curriculum

This is an option to print the base concentration description(s) from the curriculum for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed. Base concentrations are printed after minors.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Other Fields of Study SHRTPRT_LSFT_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Other Fields of Study for the Primary Learner Curriculum

This is an option to print the other fields of study description(s) from the curriculum for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. (The label for the field of study is determined by values in the GTVLFST table.) If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

These fields are in the Secondary Learner Curriculum.
Secondary Learner Curriculum SHRTPRT_SEC_CURR_LABEL – Learner Secondary Curriculum Label

This is a user-defined title for all secondary curriculum records for the learner. The label and curriculum fields that follow will print only when current, active secondary curriculum information exists for the student.

The default value for the label is "Secondary".

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Program SHRTPRT_SEC_PROGRAM_IND – Option to Print Program Description for Learner Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the program description for all the current, active, learner secondary curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Degree SHRTPRT_SEC_DEGREE_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Degree for Learner Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the degree description for all the current, active, learner secondary curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

College SHRTPRT_SEC_COLLEGE_PRINT – Option to Print College for Learner Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the college description for all the current, active, learner secondary curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Campus SHRTPRT_SEC_CAMPUS_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Campus for Learner Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the campus description for all the current, active, learner secondary curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major SHRTPRT_SEC_MAJOR_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Majors for Learner Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the major description(s) for all the current, active, learner secondary curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major Concentration SHRTPRT_SEC_MAJCONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Concentrations Attached to Majors in the Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the concentration description(s) for concentrations that are attached to majors for all the current, active, secondary learner curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed. Major concentrations are printed immediately below the major to which they are attached in the curriculum record.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Minor SHRTPRT_SEC_MINOR_PRINT – Option to Print Minors for the Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the minor description for all the current, active, learner secondary curriculum records for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Concentration SHRTPRT_SEC_CONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Concentrations for the Secondary Curriculum

This is an option to print the base concentration description(s) from the curriculum for concentrations that are not attached to majors, for the current, active, secondary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed. Base concentrations are printed after minors.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Other Fields of Study SHRTPRT_SEC_LSFT_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Other Fields of Study for the Secondary Learner Curriculum

This is an option to print the other fields of study description(s) from the curriculum for the current, active, secondary learner curriculum record for the level(s) of the student records that are displayed. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, learner secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

These fields are in the Primary Outcome Curriculum.
Award Label SHRTPRT_AWARD_LABEL – Outcome Awarded Label

This is a user-defined title for the current, active, primary curriculum outcome record for the learner. The paper transcript will display this label and the outcome information only when the outcome status is “awarded” in SHADEGR. If this label is left blank, the paper transcript will print an award label of “Degree Awarded”.

The default value for the label is "Degree Awarded”.

If this label is left blank. the self-service transcript displays "Degrees Awarded". The self-service transcript will display the award label and outcome curriculum information for any SHADEGR record of any outcome status for the active, primary, curriculum outcome record.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Primary Outcome Curriculum SHRTPRT_DEGR_CURR_LABEL – Learner Primary Curriculum Label for Outcome

This is a user-defined title for the degree description for the primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If this field is blank, no label is printed on the paper or self-service transcripts, but the degree description for the primary outcome curriculum information is displayed.

The default value for the label is "Primary Degree".

Self-service transcripts display outcome records for any degree status. The outcome status must be “awarded” in order for the primary learner outcome information to print on the paper transcript.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Program SHRTPRT_DEGR_PROGRAM_IND – Option to Print Program Description for Learner Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the program description for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

College SHRTPRT_DEGR_COLLEGE_PRINT – Option to Print College for Learner Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the college description for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Campus SHRTPRT_DEGR_CAMPUS_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Campus for Learner Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the campus description for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major SHRTPRT_DEGR_MAJOR_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Majors for Learner Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the major description(s) for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts.

Major Concentration SHRTPRT_DEGR_MAJCONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Concentrations Attached to Majors in the Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the concentration description(s) for concentrations that are attached to majors for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts.

Minor SHRTPRT_DEGR_MINOR_PRINT – Option to Print Minors for the Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the minor description(s) for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

This information will only print on the paper transcript when the degree status has a value of “awarded”. This information will print after the label created on SHATPRT for the Award Label (of the primary outcome curriculum) or use the default value of “DEGREE AWARDED” on all course levels of work.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts.

Concentration SHRTPRT_DEGR_CONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Concentrations for the Primary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the base concentration description(s) from the curriculum for concentrations that are not attached to majors, for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts.

Other Fields of Study SHRTPRT_DEGR_LFST_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Other Fields of Study for the Primary Learner Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the other fields of study description(s) from the curriculum for the current, active, primary outcome curriculum records for the learner that are not already accounted for in the minors and concentrations. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome primary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts.

These fields are in the Secondary Outcome Curriculum.
Secondary Outcome Curriculum SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_CURR_LABEL – Learner Secondary Curriculum Label for Outcome

This is a user-defined title for the degree description for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. Multiple secondary curriculum records are displayed under this label.

If this field is blank, no label is printed on the paper or self-service transcripts, but the degree description for the secondary outcome curriculum information is displayed. The secondary curriculum for the learner will print after this label, unless that information does not exist. If this field is blank, and no active secondary outcome curriculum records exist, the label will not display.

The default value for the label is "Secondary".

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Program SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_PROGRAM_IND – Option to Print Program Description for Learner Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the program description for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

College SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_COLL_PRINT_IND – Option to Print College for Learner Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the college description for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Campus SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_CAMP_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Campus for Learner Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the campus description for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major SHRTPRT_DEGR_MAJOR2_PRINT – Option to Print Current Majors for Learner Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the major description(s) for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Major Concentration SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_MAJCONC_IND – Option to Print Concentrations Attached to Majors in the Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the concentration description(s) for concentrations that are attached to majors for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Minor SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_MINR_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Minors for the Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the minor description(s) for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Concentration SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_CONC_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Current Concentrations for the Secondary Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the base concentration description(s) from the curriculum for concentrations that are not attached to majors, for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum record for the learner. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Other Fields of Study SHRTPRT_SECDEGR_LFST_PRINT_IND – Option to Print Other Fields of Study for the Secondary Learner Curriculum Outcome

This is an option to print the other fields of study description(s) from the curriculum for the current, active, secondary outcome curriculum records for the learner that are not already accounted for in the minors and concentrations. If multiple levels of coursework exist, this information will print on the paper transcript on the page where the current, active, outcome secondary curriculum level matches the level of the courses for the transcript being printed.

The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.