Personalization Print Options section

This section is used to select if the birth date, SSN/SIN/TIN, Banner ID, or none of those are to be printed on the paper transcript. SSN/SIN/TIN and birth dates are not transmitted by EDI. SSN/SIN/TIN and the Banner ID do not display on the self-service transcript.

Use the checkboxes in the Personalization Print Options section to choose the data you want to include. You can change how the SSN/SIN/TIN or Banner ID appear on the transcript. You can also change the birth date format to any valid date format for the paper and self-service transcripts using the pulldown list.

The rules for adding in a character mask to the SSN/ID values are as follows:
  • Use the character X to display data and the character * to conceal data.
  • This can be used only for display-only columns.
  • This cannot be used when there is data entry involved on the column.

The following fields are in the Personalization Print Options section.

Fields Descriptions
Birth Date This is an option to print the birth date for the student as defined in the Birth Date field on the General Person (SPAPERS) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. This field maps to SHRTPRT_BIRTH_DATE_PRINT.

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Birth Date Mask Use this field to select the format mask for the display of the birth date on the transcript. This field maps to SHRTPRT_BIRTH_DATE_MASK.

List Sample Date Format Masks

Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts.

Banner ID This is an option to print the Banner ID for the student as defined in the ID field on the General Person (SPAPERS) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. This field maps to SHRTPRT_ID_PRINT.

Appears on paper and PDF transcripts and is always transmitted by EDI.

Label for ID Use this field to enter the title for the ID field on the paper transcript. This field maps to SHRTPRT_ID_LABEL.

Appears on paper and PDF transcripts.

SSN/SIN/TIN This is an option to print the social security number/social insurance number/tax identification number as defined in the SSN/SIN/TIN field on the General Person (SPAPERS) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. This field maps to SHRTPRT_SSN_PRINT.

Appears on paper and PDF transcripts.

Label for SSN/SIN/TIN Use this field to enter the title for the SSN/SIN/TIN field on the transcript. This field maps to SHRTPRT_SSN_LABEL.

Appears on paper and PDF transcripts.

SSN/SIN/TIN Mask Use this field to enter the format mask for the display of the SSN/SIN/TIN on the transcript. Enter X to display a value and * to hide a value. This field maps to SHRTPRT_SSN_MASK.

The SSN does not appear in self-service, and therefore cannot be masked for a self-service transcript. The SSN is not transmitted by EDI, and therefore cannot be masked for an EDI transcript.

Actual masking of the SSN value cannot be performed on the XML transcript, as is not permitted based up the PESC schema. However, users can control whether the SSN is included or not.

Appears on paper and PDF transcripts and can be included/not included in the XML transcript.

Current Name This is an option to print the current name of the student in addition to the “record of” source name as defined in the name hierarchy. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. This field maps to SHRTPRT_CURRENT_NAME_PRINT.

This value is always printed, even if it matches the record of name and the Current Name option is checked.

Appears on paper and PDF transcripts and is transmitted as a hierarchy name by EDI if the transcript name source code is IDEN.