Transcript Type Rules (SHATPRT) page / Main window |
Use this section to select the non-curriculum-related data to be included in the transcript. Use the Print Options section to access this area.
The following fields are in the Print Options section.
Fields | Descriptions |
The following fields are in the Print Options. | |
Transcript Type Description | SHRTPRT_TPRT_DESC_PRINT – Option to Print Transcript Type Code Description This is an option to print the Transcript Type Code Description. This is the description of the transcript type code that is associated with the rule that is used to identify what data elements can be displayed on the transcript, for this type of transcript. These codes are defined on the Transcript Type Code Validation (STVTPRT) page. The transcript type is displayed on the Web transcript as concatenated information with the SPACER information text Transcript Type: XXX is NOT _Official. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Transcript Type | SHRTPRT_TPRT_PRINT – Option to Print Transcript Type Code This is an option to print the Transcript Type Code. This is the code that is associated with the rule that is used to identify what data elements can be displayed on the transcript, for this type of transcript. These codes are defined on the Transcript Type Code Validation (STVTPRT) page. If both Transcript Type and Transcript Type Description are checked, the paper and self-service transcripts will display both the code and the description values. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Student Address | SHRTPRT_STUDENT_ADDR_PRINT – Option to Print Student Address This is an option to print the student address as defined on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page. When processing the Academic Transcript (SHRTRTC), there are parameters used to select the address priority and type(s), along with the effective address date that you choose to print on the transcript. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Issued Address | SHRTPRT_ISSUE_ADDR_PRINT – Option to Print Issued to Address This is an option to print the issued to address as defined on the Transcript Request (SHARQTC) page in the Issued field. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper and PDF transcripts. |
High School | SHRTPRT_HS_INFO_PRINT – Option to Print High School Information This is an option to print the high school description as defined for the student on the High School Information (SOAHSCH) page. This will print for each course level if multiple course levels exist. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Current Student Type | SHRTPRT_CURR_STUDENT_TYPE – Option to Print Current Student Type This is an option to print the current student type description from the most recent general student record on the General Student (SGASTDN) page. If multiple levels of coursework exist in Academic History, this information will print under the heading STUDENT LEVEL on all levels of coursework on the transcript. The current student type is displayed on the self-service transcript when the Student Type by Term field is checked. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Admit Term This is an option to print the admit term description for a student as defined for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record. If the student has multiple institutional course level records in Academic History, this admit term data will print with the course level that matches the student level for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record. This admit term will print under the heading ONLY ADMIT on the transcript. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Matriculated Term This is an option to print the matriculated term description for a student as defined for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record. If the student has multiple institutional course level records in Academic History, this matriculated term data will print with the course level that matches the student level for the current, active, primary learner curriculum record. This matriculated term will print under the heading MATRICULATED on the transcript. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Committees This is an option to print committee information associated with a student as defined on the Committee/Service (SHACOMI) page. The (Committee Code) as defined on the Committee/Service Type Validation (STVCOMT) page must have the Transcript Print Switch checked or set to Y in order for the committee description to print on the transcript. The committee status code and description will also print on the transcript from SHACOMI. This committee information prints for all course levels of the transcripts requested. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Academic Events | SHRTPRT_ACAD_EVENT_PRINT – Option to Print Academic Events This is an option to print the academic event description as defined on the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page in the Academic Events section. In order for the academic event description to print on the transcript, the Transcript Print (Indicator) must be checked or set to Y for the event code on the Academic History Event Code Validation (STVEVEN) page. The default value is checked or Y creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Academic Event Decision | SHRTPRT_DECISION_PRINT
– Option to Print Academic Event Decision This is an option to print the decision description that is associated with the academic event as defined on the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page in the Academic Events section. In order for the academic event decision to print on the transcript with the associated academic event description, the Transcript Print (Indicator) must be checked or set to Y for the event code on the Academic History Event Code Validation (STVEVEN) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Academic Event Grade | SHRTPRT_GRADE_PRINT
– Option to Print Academic Event Grade This is an option to print the grade that is associated with the academic event as defined on the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page in the Academic Events section. In order for the academic event grade to print on the transcript with the associated academic event description, the Transcript Print (Indicator) must be checked or set to Y for the event code on the Academic History Event Code Validation (STVEVEN) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Degree GPA This is an option to print the degree GPA information as calculated on the Degrees and Other Formal Awards (SHADEGR) page. This GPA will only print on the paper transcript for degrees having a degree status value of awarded. This information will print with the coursework that matches the level of the degree record on SHADEGR. It will print on the top portion of the transcript after the heading Degree Awarded. It will print the Earned hours, GPA Hours, Quality Points, and Degree GPA Summary information. On the self-service transcript, degree GPA data is printed for all degree status codes, and the attempted hours are displayed with the GPA data for the degree. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Qualifying Papers This is an option to print the qualifying paper type code description as defined on the Qualifying Paper (SHAQPNO) page. (The qualifying paper type code is not printed.) When the degree associated with this qualifying paper has a status of awarded on the Degrees and Other Formal Awards (SHADEGR) page, it will be displayed on the paper and EDI transcripts. The qualifying paper type code as defined on the Qualifying Paper Type Code Validation (STVQPTP) page must have the Transcript Print (Indicator) checked or set to Y in order for the paper type to print on the transcript. The qualifying paper type code is displayed on the self-service transcript when it has been applied to a degree with any status on SHANCRS. The qualifying paper description is displayed as a label. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Qualifying Papers Text This is an option to print the qualifying paper text associated with the qualifying paper type code description as defined on the Qualifying Paper (SHAQPNO) page. The text for Title Line 1, Title Line 2, Title Line 3, and Title Line 4 associated with this paper type code will print on the transcript. The qualifying papers text is displayed on the self-service transcript when it has been applied to a degree on SHANCRS. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Level Comments | SHRTPRT_LEVEL_COMMENT_PRINT – Option to Print Level Comments This is an option to print level comments as defined on The Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page in the Transcript Comments by Level window. Comments will print with each associated course level on the transcript. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Term Comments | SHRTPRT_TERM_COMMENTS_PRINT – Option to Print Term Comments This is an option to print term comments as defined on the Transcript Events and Comments (SHATCMT) page in the Transcript Comments by Term window. Comments will print with each associated term on the transcript. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Course Comments | SHRTPRT_COURSE_COMMENT_PRINT – Option to Print Course Comments This is an option to print any course comments that may exist on the Course Maintenance (SHATCKN) page in Academic History. This data is stored in the (Course) Comment field in the Course Detail section (SHRTCKN_COURSE_COMM). The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
– Option to Print Student College by Term This is an option to print the student’s college description from the primary curriculum with each term of course detail institutional work. This college description is based upon the current, active, primary learner curriculum record for the term being selected to print. If the level for the current, active, primary curriculum does not match the course level being printed, the college by term will not print. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Major by Term | SHRTPRT_STD_MAJR_BY_TERM_PRINT – Option to Print Student Major by Term This is an option to print the student’s major description (if multiple majors exist, only the priority 1 major code is selected) from the current, active, primary learner curriculum record with each term of course detail institutional work. If the level for the current, active, primary curriculum does not match the course level being printed, the major by term will not print. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Student Type by Term | SHRTPRT_STD_TYPE_BY_TERM_PRINT – Option to Print Student Type by Term This is an option to print the student type description for each term. This description is based upon the most recent effective general student record on the General Student (SGASTDN) page for the term being selected to print. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Course Campus | SHRTPRT_CAMP_PRINT – Option to Print Campus Code This is an option to print the campus associated with each institutional course detail record as defined on the General Student (SGASTDN) page. It prints after the course number, but before the course title. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Long Course Title | SHRTPRT_DISPLAY_LONGTITLE_IND – Option to Print Long Course Title This is an option to print the open learning registration long course title from the syllabus.
The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Transfer Detail | SHRTPRT_DETAIL_PRINT – Option to Print Transfer Course Detail This is an option to print the transfer coursework detail associated with the transfer institution for the student. This detail information is stored on the Transfer Course (SHATRNS) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Registration Start/End Dates | SHRTPRT_DISPLAY_REGDATES_IND – Option to Print Open Learning Registration Start and End Dates This is an option to print the open learning registration start and end dates for the course as recorded in the Registration module.
The printing of start and end dates is also an option for continuing education courses. If you use both CEU dates and registration start and end dates at your institution (i.e., both types are checked on SHATPRT), only one set of dates will be printed, even if the course is for both CEU registration and open learning registration.
The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
CEU Units | SHRTPRT_CEU_HRS – Option to Print CEU Hours This is an option to print course hours which have been defined as CEU course hours. This definition is completed on the Basic Course Information (SCACRSE) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
CEU Dates | SHRTPRT_CEU_DATES – Option to Print CEU Start and End Dates If you choose the option to print CEU Hours, then you also have the option to print the CEU dates. These are the start and end dates associated with the CRN as defined for the start and end dates on the course detail record on the Course Maintenance (SHATCKN) page in Academic History. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
CEU Contact Hours | SHRTPRT_CEU_CONT_HOURS – Option to Print CEU Contact Hours If you choose the option to print CEU Units (Hours), you also have the option to print CEU contact hours. These are the contact hours defined for the CRN dates on the course detail record on the Course Maintenance (SHATCKN) page in Academic History. CEU contact hours are printed if the course is a CEU course (the CEU (Indicator) is checked on SCACRSE) and the level for the course allows CEU hours. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
GPA Statistics | SHRTPRT_GPA_STATISTICS_PRINT – Option to Print GPA Statistics This is an option to print the GPA calculation associated with the transcript totals. This information would appear on the end of the TRANSCRIPT TOTALS for each level of coursework completed. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Dean’s List | SHRTPRT_DEANS_LIST – Option to Print Dean’s List This is an option to print the dean’s list honors for each term that is stored in the term header record on the Term Course Maintenance (SHAINST) page in Academic History. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Academic Standing by Term | SHRTPRT_ACAD_STANDING – Option to Print Academic Standing This is an option to print the academic standing for each term that is stored in the term header record on the Term Course Maintenance (SHAINST) page in Academic History. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Last Academic Standing | SHRTPRT_LAST_ACAD_STD_PRINT – Option to Print Academic Standing This is an option to print only the last academic standing for the term that is stored in the term header record on the Term Course Maintenance (SHAINST) page in Academic History. If Last Academic Standing is checked, and Academic Standing by Term is unchecked, the only academic standing that will be printed is the standing populated for the latest term record in SHAINST. When both the Academic Standing by Term and Last Academic Standing check boxes are selected, the individual standings for every term, in addition to the standing for the final term, are printed. In this case, the academic standing by term will be printed for the latest term. After which, a new line prints the academic standing again with the label "Last Academic Standing:" followed by the standing description. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, self-service, and PDF transcripts. |
Institution Totals | SHRTPRT_INST_TOTALS_PRINT – Option to Print Institutional Totals This is an option to print the institutional coursework overall GPA detail. This information would appear on the end of the TRANSCRIPT TOTALS for each level of coursework completed. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Transfer Totals | SHRTPRT_TRNS_TOTALS_PRINT – Option to Print Transfer Course Totals This is an option to print the transfer coursework overall GPA detail. This information would appear on the end of the TRANSCRIPT TOTALS for each level of coursework completed. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Overall Totals | SHRTPRT_OVERALL_TOTALS_PRINT – Option to Print Overall Totals This is an option to print the overall coursework GPA detail. This information would appear on the end of the TRANSCRIPT TOTALS for each level of coursework completed. It will include the summary of institutional coursework, in addition to coursework for that course level. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper, EDI, self-service, XML, and PDF transcripts. |
Test Scores | SHRTPRT_XML_SCORE_PRINT – Option to Print Test Scores This is an option to print the student’s test scores. If this field is checked, the XML transcript export process will capture the test scores on SOATEST for those test codes defined on SOAXREF with the label of STVTESC. These scores will only be captured if this print option is checked. The default value is unchecked or N when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on XML transcripts only. |
Immunization Data | SHRTPRT_XML_IMN_PRINT – Option to Print Immunization Data This is an option to print the immunization data as defined in the Immunization Information (GOAIMMU) page for a person. If this field is checked, the XML transcript export process will capture the immunization data on GOAIMMU for those immunization codes defined on SOAXREF with the label of IMMZSTAT or IMMZTYPE. This data will only be captured if this print option is checked. The default value is unchecked or N when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on XML transcripts only. |
Student Centric Period Statistics | SHRTPRT_PRT_SCP_GPA_STATS – Option to Print Student Centric Period Statistics This is an option to print the student centric period GPA totals for the last term in the student centric period when student centric period processing is in use. These totals are defined on the Term Sequence Course History (SHATERM) page and the Academic Standing Rules (SHAACST) page. The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on paper and self-service transcripts. |
Continuous Pagination | SHRTPRT_CONTIN_PAGINATION_PRINT – Option to Print using Continuous Pagination or by Course Level This is an option to print the transcript with regular continuous pagination (set to Y) or print the transcript by course level with each level reset as a new Page 1 (set to N). The default value is checked or Y when creating a transcript type rule. Used for paper and PDF transcripts. |
The following fields are in the User-Defined Extensions. | |
College Transcript | SHRTPRT_XML_CLG_TRANS_UDE - Option to Print College UDE This is an option to print college user-defined extension data. The default value is unchecked or N when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on XML and PDF transcripts. |
Student | SHRTPRT_STUDENT_UDE - Option to Student UDE This is an option to print student user-defined extension data. The default value is unchecked or N when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on XML and PDF transcripts. |
Academic Record | SHRTPRT_ACAD_REC_UDE - Option to Print Academic Record UDE This is an option to print academic record user-defined extension data. The default value is unchecked or N when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on XML and PDF transcripts. |
Course | SHRTPRT_XML_COURSE_UDE - Option to Print Course UDE This is an option to print course user-defined extension data. The default value is unchecked or N when creating a transcript type rule. Appears on XML and PDF transcripts. |
The following fields also appear in this window. | |
Activity Date | Date the transcript type was last updated. This field maps to SHRTPRT_ACTIVITY_DATE. |
User ID | User ID of the person who last updated the transcript type. This field maps to SHRTPRT_USER_ID. |