Processing Control section

This section is used to set up controls for when transcripts may be requested, if they can be sent using EDI, and what type of electronic letter can be created. Use the Web Transcript Controls choice from the Options Menu to access this section.

The following fields are in the Processing Control section.

Fields Descriptions
Allow Hold for End of Term Processing This check box is used to determine whether or not the learner will be able to request that the transcript be printed after the end of term grades have been processed. This field maps to SHRTPRT_HOLD_GRDE_IND.

Valid values are checked (Y) and unchecked (N). The default value is unchecked (N).

Allow Electronic Transcripts on the Web This check box is used to indicate that the institution allows students to request that their transcripts be sent electronically to other institutions. This field is required. This field maps to SHRTPRT_ALLOW_EDI_IND.

Valid values are checked (Y) and unchecked (N). The default value is unchecked (N).

Allow Hold for Degree Processing This check box is used to determine whether or not the learner will be able to request that the transcript be printed after his/her degree has been posted. This field maps to SHRTPRT_HOLD_DEGR_IND.

Valid values are checked (Y) and unchecked (N). The default value is unchecked (N).

Electronic Letter Code This field is used to determine which electronic letter is to be used in the Web Transcript Request Process Confirmation Page. This field is optional. This field maps to SHRTPRT_LETR_CODE_CONFIRMED. The default value is null.

List Letter Code Validation (GTVLETR)