Service Level section

This section is used to set up the self-service options for the self-service transcript request. A service level record must be defined for each transcript type that is available for Self-Service transcript processing. Use the Web Self-Service Options choice from the Options Menu to access this section.

The Delivery Method is required on the Transcript Request Options page (bwskwtrr.p_disp_transcript_request_data) for Self-Service transcript requests. Therefore, at least one service level record must be defined in this section.

If your institution does not charge for transcript requests, you need to create a service level record with a Charge of $0.00. This is displayed as a value of No Charge in the Delivery Method drop down in Self-Service.

Use clear Self-Service option code descriptions for the service level records. For example, if you have a record with a Description of In Person Pick-up and a Charge of $0.00. it is displayed in Self-Service as In Person Pick-up - No Charge.

The following fields are in the Service Level section.

Fields Descriptions
Code Self-Service Option Code. This field is used to associate a Web self-service option with a specific transcript type code. This field maps to SHRTRSS_WSSO_CODE. It is a required field.

List Web Self Service Options Validation (STVWSSO) page

Description This field is automatically populated with the description of the code entered in SHRTRSS_WSSO_CODE. The description comes from STVWSSO_DESC. This field is display only.
Type Account Type. This field is used to determine to what type of Accounts Receivable account the charges associated with the learner’s transcript request will be posted. The institution can choose to have charges posted to the learner’s account or to a miscellaneous account. This field maps to SHRTRSS_ACCT_TYPE_CDE. It is required.

Valid values are S (Student) and M (Miscellaneous). The default value is M.

Charge This field is automatically populated with the charge associated with the code entered in SHRTRSS_WSSO_CODE. The value comes from STVWSSO_CHRG and maps to SHRTRSS_CHRG. This is an optional field. When it is populated, it can be updated.

Valid values are 0.00 – 999999999.99.

Per Charge Per Request or Copy. This field is used to select whether the charge associated with the Web self-service option will be charged per transcript request or per transcript copy. This field maps to SHRTRSS_CHRG_PER. Valid values are R for Request and C for Copy. The default value is C. It is a required field if SHRTRSS_CHRG is not Null.

All self-service codes with a charge per value of C will be evaluated against the number of free copies as defined on SHAWTRR. Self-service codes with a charge per value of R will always be charged.

User ID This field maps to SHRTRSS_USER_ID and is automatically updated whenever any of the fields in the Service Level section are entered or updated.
Activity Date This field maps to SHRTRSS_ACTIVITY_DATE and is automatically updated whenever any fields in the Service Level section are entered or updated.