Transfer Course (SHATRNS) page / Transfer Course Detail window |
Use this section to enter equivalent course information. Use the Repeat and Repeat System (Indicators) to view and update the repeat status of a course.
Fields | Descriptions |
Repeat | This field displays whether the course has been included, excluded, or not processed as a result of repeat processing updates. Valid values are:
Include - Include in attempted hours, passed hours, earned hours, and GPA. Saved to the database as I. Exclude - Exclude from passed hours, earned hours and GPA, but include only in attempted hours. Saved to the database as E. Include GPA - Include in attempted hours and GPA, but exclude from earned hours and passed hours. Saved to the database as A. (None) - Not processed. Saved to the database as Null. |
Repeat System | This field indicates how the Repeat (Indicator) setting was created in the student record. Valid values are:
Manual - Manually set, saved to the database as M. System - Set by the system, saved to the database as S. (None) - Not updated, saved to the database as Null. |