eTranscript PDF Printer Rule (SHRPDFT) page

This page is used to create and maintain rules used when the eTranscripts electronic output is generated. Rules are defined by transcript type, PDF template, and printer name when paper output is used. If your institution wishes to use different printers or PDF templates, you must define multiple transcript types.

Banner transcript types must be defined on SHATPRT to be used on SHRPDFT. They are mapped to specific PDF templates for electronic PDF transmission and to specific printers for paper (hardcopy) transcripts. PDF templates used by this page are stored in the directory specified on the GUAUPLP page. The SHRETRN process uses this page to determine which PDF template to use or which printer the output is sent to based on the transcript type.

The PDF Template and Printer Name fields are optional. However, one of the fields must be populated for each record. Both fields can be populated if you want.

Note: When a printer is not assigned to an active rule for a paper transcript, SHRTRTC will run successfully but will not print the request. SHRTRTC looks for the printer value in SHTTRAN, which for eTranscripts is set to the SHRPDFT_PRNT_CODE by the create procedure.
Fields Descriptions
Active Check box used to indicate whether the rule is active.
Transcript Type eTranscript type code.

List eTranscript Third Party Transcript Type Validation (STVETTP)

Description Description of transcript type code.
PDF Template PDF template (XSLT stylesheet) to be used for the transcript type.

List Transcript Verification Request Type Validation (STVTPRT)

Printer Name of local printer to be used for the printing the transcript type.

List Printer Code Validation (GTVPRNT)

Description Description of printer.