Processing Rules section

Use this section to enter the processing information for the rule, including the OPEID number and FTP information. Fields in this section are required. Use the Processing Rules section to access this area.

Fields Descriptions
OPEID Institution’s eight digit OPEID number, which is a six digit OPEID and a two digit branch code. This is a federal code identifier for the institution. It tells the Ellucian Cloud where to direct the transcript order.
Default Transcript Type Transcript type code and description used from Banner (SHARQTC) for the transcript request. This is used when no transcript type and purpose have been provided in the order XML for a third party servicer or when they do not exist in the Levels section.

List Transcript Verification Request Type (STVTPRT)

Default Level Student level code and description used from Banner (SHARQTC) for the transcript request. This is used when no transcript type and purpose have been provided in the order XML for a third party servicer or when they do not exist in the Levels section.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Include In-Progress Courses Check box used to indicate whether courses that are in process should be included on the transcript. This applies to all transcript orders that are processed.
Auto Cancel Days Number of days after which the transcript request automatically expires if no action is taken to resolve holds or student not found issues. Valid values are between 0 and 30.
Matching Source Rule used in common matching to match the student to the transcript request. This rule is set up on the GORCMRL page and is called by the Find a Student API.

List Common Matching Source Code (GTVCMSC)