Transcript Types section

Use this section to map third party transcript type PESC values from STVETPU and transcript purpose PESC values from STVETTP to Banner transcript types on SHATPRT that are used to create and generate the Banner transcript request on SHARQTC. Use the Transcript Types section to access this area.

Fields Descriptions
Third Party Transcript Type PESC transcript type code for the eTranscript request.

These values are selected by the institution and set up on the vendor school profile. They are delivered and should not be changed.

List eTranscript Type Validation (STVETTP)

Description Description of PESC transcript type code for the request.
Third Party Transcript Purpose PESC transcript purpose code for the eTranscript request.

These values are selected by the institution and set up on the vendor school profile. They are delivered and should not be changed.

List eTranscript Purpose Validation (STVETPU)

Description Description of PESC transcript purpose code for the request.
Banner Transcript Type Transcript type code from Banner. Transcript types are unique to each institution.

List Transcript Verification Request Type (STVTPRT)

Description Description of transcript type code from Banner.