Faculty Personnel (SIAFPER) page

This page is used to enter faculty information.

Examples of faculty information are:

which relates to your institution's personnel files.

If the Banner® Human Resources System is installed, this information is shared between the modules. Information entered here will also be displayed on the Faculty Information (PEAFACD) page in Human Resources. Both SIAFPER and PEAFACD share and update the SIBFACD table.

If an institution has both the Banner Human Resources System and the Banner Student System, then the Faculty Action Tracking (PEAFACT) page in Human Resources will be used to record faculty information rather than the Faculty Personnel (SIAFPER) page in Banner Student. When data is entered in the Key block of SIAFPER, the system will check for the existence of faculty records on PEAFACT. If records do exist, a message displays informing the user to enter and query information on PEAFACT.

Warning! Security should be set up for view only for the Faculty Personnel (SIAFPER) page if Banner Human Resources is also installed. Update privileges should only be allowed if Banner Human Resources is not installed. Please see the Banner Human Resources User Guide for information on security procedures for protecting forms from update.