Filter Results

Use this section of the page to review the data for both faculty and advisors returned for the criteria in the Advanced Filter section. The number of records found is displayed. You can sort on the fields in this section of the page.

Fields/Buttons Descriptions
Filter Again Button used to return to the Advanced Filter section to perform another filter.
The following fields are in the Filter Results section.
Term Code of the term.
ID ID of the person who meets the search criteria.
Last Name Last name associated with the ID.
First Name First name associated with the ID.
Middle Name Middle name associated with the ID.
Faculty Check box used to specify that the ID is a faculty member.
Advisor Check box used to specify that the ID is an advisor.
Tenure Status Code of the tenure status, such as tenured, on track, and so on from the Tenure Code Rules (PTRTENR) page.
Category Code of the category, such as lecturer, coach, and so on.
Status Code of the faculty status, such as active, leave of absence, and so on.
Staff Type Code of the staff type, such as evening, full-time, and so on.
Default Contract Code of the default contract type, such as continuing education, spring only, fall/spring, and so on.
Home College Code of the home college, such as business, architecture, arts, and so on.
Home Department Code of the home department, such as biology, english, humanities, and so on.