Placement Attendance Record Creation block

Use this block to enter or display attendance tracking setup information for the placement(s) specified in the Selection block.

Field Description
Placement Placement title. Display only.
Description Description associated with the placement. Display only.
Term Code Term code. Display only.
Number Placement number. Display only.
Track Attendance Check box used to specify whether attendance is to be tracked for this placement and term combination. This defaults to cleared when a placement and term combination is first accessed using this page.

If SKRATTR records already exist for a placement and term combination (that is, the Attendance Records Exist check box is selected), the Track Attendance check box is selected. If the check box is cleared once records exist, the records will be deleted when you save the change.

Recording Method Method by which attendance is to be tracked for this placement and term combination. Values are the following:

Default Only exceptions (that is, absences) need to be entered, and data is entered at the hour level

Manual All attendance and absence is to be manually entered, and data is entered at the hour level

Load Attendance data will be loaded from a third-party application

Yes/No Attendance is entered on a yes/no basis

A value defaults into this field from the Default Placement Recording Method system parameter on the System Parameter (GKAKSYS) page.

Attendance Records Exist Check box used to indicate whether SKRATTR records for this placement and term combination exist. Display only.
Check All button Select this button to select the Track Attendance check box for all placement and term combinations displayed in the Placement Attendance Record Creation block.
Uncheck All button Select this button to clear the Track Attendance check box for all placement and term combinations displayed in the Placement Attendance Record Creation block.