Building Filter (SLABQRY) page

Use the Building Filter (SLABQRY) page to display summary information about your institution’s buildings. You can query all buildings, or you can limit the query by entering selection criteria.

This page helps you answer the following kinds of questions:
  • What buildings are located on a specific campus or site?
  • What buildings have a specific capacity?
  • What buildings have a specific maximum capacity?

Information comes from the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. Information is display-only and cannot be changed.

You cannot access SLABQRY directly. You can access it from the Building field on the following forms:
  • Building Definition (SLABLDG) page
  • Room Definition (SLARDEF) page
  • Dorm Room and Meal Application (SLARMAP) page
  • Event (SLAEVNT) page

The main window is composed of the following fields.

Fields Descriptions
Campus Code of the campus where the building is located.

This value comes from the Campus field in the main window of the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the Campus Validation (STVCAMP) list.

List Campus Validation (STVCAMP)

Site Code of the site location, within a campus, where the building is located.

This value comes from the Site field in the main window of SLABLDG.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the Site Validation (STVSITE) list.

List Site Validation (STVSITE)

Building Code of the building.

This value comes from the Building field in the main window of SLABLDG.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the Building Code Validation (STVBLDG) list.

List Building Code Validation (STVBLDG)

Description (untitled) Description associated with the building code, automatically displayed when a valid value is entered in the Building field. Display only.
Capacity Normal capacity of the building.

This value comes from the Capacity field in the main window of SLABLDG.

In query mode, use the sign < to query capacities less than a specific value or the sign > to query capacities greater than a specific value. For example, enter <100 to query capacities less than 100 or >200 to query a capacities over 200.

Maximum Maximum capacity of the building. If this value is greater than the normal capacity, extra people can be assigned to the building.

This value comes from the Maximum field in the main window of SLABLDG.

In query mode, use the sign < to query capacities less than a specific value or the sign > to query capacities greater than a specific value. For example, enter <100 to query capacities less than 100 or >200 to query a capacities over 200.