Room Attributes section

Use the Room Attributes section to enter information about the special features and equipment that apply a room and to identify the range of terms when the room attributes are effective. Examples include handicapped-accessible, air-conditioned, and nonsmoking.

Fields Descriptions
From Term Term when the currently displayed room attributes become effective. This value comes from the From Term field in the main window. It cannot be changed.
To Term Term when the currently displayed room attributes are no longer effective. The range of effective terms is up to this term, not including the To Term.

This value comes from the To Term field in the main window. It cannot be changed.

Attribute Special features and equipment that apply to the room. A room can have an unlimited number of attributes. Examples include handicapped-accessible, air-conditioned, and nonsmoking.

These values come from the Attribute fields in the Building Attributes, Category, and Comments window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. They can be changed or deleted.

Choices come from the Building/Room Attributes Validation (STVRDEF) list.

Must Match Check box that indicates whether the attribute is critical and must be matched when the Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD) assigns dormitory rooms.

Choices are:

checked-The attribute must be matched when SLRSHCD assigns dormitory rooms. This value is stored in the database as Y.

unchecked-The attribute does not have to be matched when SLRSHCD assigns dormitory rooms.