Room Definition section

Use the Room Definition section to enter and update information about a room in one of your institution’s buildings.

Fields Descriptions
New Term Term for which new or copied room information applies. Use this field when you create a new room or copy existing room information to a new term. Choices come from the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

Use a Duplicate Record function to copy existing room information to a new term. Enter the new term for which the copied room information applies.

You do not have to have a term in the Term field in the Key section to copy information to a new effective term in the Room Definition section.

From Term Term when the currently displayed room information becomes effective.

This value is automatically updated when room information is created for a new effective term. It cannot be changed.

To Term Term when the currently displayed room information is no longer effective. The range of effective terms is up to this term, not including the To Term.

This value is automatically updated when room information is created for a new effective term. It cannot be changed.

Description Free form description of the room.
Capacity Normal capacity of the room. Banner uses this value as follows:
  • Location Management (Student System) uses this value to assign the correct number of students to a dormitory room.
  • Class Schedule (Student System) uses this value to schedule a class in a properly sized room.
  • Event Management (General System) uses this value to schedule an event or function in a properly sized room.
Maximum Absolute maximum capacity of the room. Enter this value if extra people, over the normal capacity, can be assigned to the room. The Room Assignment (SLARASG) page uses this value if you want to assign extra people to a room.

This value comes from the Capacity field in this window. It can be changed.

Gender Radio group that indicates any gender restrictions for the room. The Room Assignment (SLARASG) page and Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD) use this information to assign student housing. The following forms identify a person’s gender:
  • Dorm Room and Meal Application (SLARMAP) page
  • General Person (SPAPERS) page

This value comes from the Gender field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. If the building is available to one gender only (male or female), you cannot change the restriction for an individual room. If the building is available to both genders, you can change the restriction for an individual room.

Choices are:

Male-The room is available to males only. Females and persons of unknown gender cannot be assigned to the room. This value is stored in the database as M.

Female-The room is available to females only. Males and persons of unknown gender cannot be assigned to the room. This value is stored in the database as F.

Not Available (default)-The room is available to both males and females. Rooms are assigned as follows:

If you are using the Room Assignment (SLARASG) page, you can assign both males and females to the room. This method is useful for married couples and co-ed housing.

If you are using the Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD), the gender of the first person assigned to the room determines the gender of the room. If the first person assigned has an unknown gender, no one else is assigned to the room. The gender restriction on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page does not change.

Room Type Radio group that indicates the room type.

Choices are:

Residence Hall (default)-The Room Assignment (SLARASG) page and Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD) can assign IDs to this room. This value is stored in the database as D.

Classroom-The Schedule (SSASECT) page can schedule classes in this room, the Event (SLAEVNT) page can schedule events and functions in this room, and the Event Function (GEAFUNC) page can schedule functions in this room. This value is stored in the database as C.

Other-SLAEVNT can schedule events and functions in this room, and GEAFUNC can schedule functions in this room. This value is stored in the database as O.

College College that has primary responsibility for operating and maintaining the room. If you identify the college for a room, you can query by college on the Room Filter (SLQROOM) page.

This value comes from the College field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. It can be changed.

Choices come from the College Validation (STVCOLL) list.

Department Department, within the college, that has primary responsibility for operating and maintaining the room. If you identify the department for a room, you can query by department on the Room Filter (SLQROOM) page.

This value comes from the Department field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. It can be changed.

Choices come from the Department Validation (STVDEPT) list.

Status Status of the room. Examples include active and being renovated. If you identify the status of a room, you can query by status on the Room Filter (SLQROOM) page.

A room cannot be used for a class, dormitory assignment, event, or function if its status code is flagged inactive on the Room Status Code Validation (STVRMST) page.

Choices come from the Room Status Code Validation (STVRMST) list.

Category Physical area of the building where the room is located. Examples include specific floors and wings. The Location Management module uses categories to assign students to preferred areas of a building. If you identify the category of a room, you can query by category on the Room Filter (SLQROOM) page.

Choices come from the Building Category Filter (SLQBCAT) page.

Partition Defines an appropriate partition code for the room and provides a means to group rooms for scheduling purposes. Valid values come from the Scheduling Partition Validation (GTVPARS) page.

If a partition code has been defined for the corresponding building record, the building partition code will default into this field. You may change the partition code that has been established for the building.

The extract process will first read the partition from the room definition. If a partition code is not established on the room record, the partition code defined for the building will be retrieved.

Room Rate Rate charged for the room. The Room Assignment (SLARASG) page uses this rate as the default room rate. It can be changed on SLARASG. This value comes from the Room Rate field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. It can be changed.

Choices come from the Room Rate Code Validation (STVRRCD) list.

Phone Rate Telephone rate charged for the room. The Phone Assignment (SLAPASG) page uses this rate as the default phone rate. It can be changed on SLAPASG. This value comes from the Phone Rate field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. It can be changed.

Choices come from the Phone Rate Code Validation (STVPRCD) list.

Phone Country code, area code, main telephone number (without a hyphen), and extension for the room. The area code is optional.

The Phone Assignment (SLAPASG) page uses this as the default telephone number. It can be changed on SLAPASG.

Utility Rate Utility rate associated with the room for the time period indicated in the Period field. This rate is informational only and is not used in any processing.

The value can be 0.00 through 99999.99.

Period Pulldown list that indicates the time period associated with the utility rate. This value is informational only and is not used in any processing.

Choices are:

None (default)-No rate period is entered.

Month-The rate period is monthly. This value is stored in the database as MO.

Term-The rate period is term. This value is stored in the database as TR.

Year-The rate period is yearly. This value is stored in the database as YR.

Day-The rate period is daily. This value is stored in the database as DY.

Priority Number that indicates the order in which the Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD) schedules the room. Rooms are scheduled in ascending order, starting with 99999999.

The default value is 9999999. It can be changed.

Key Number Free form number of the key associated with the room.
Dimensions - Width (feet) Width (in feet) of the room. The value can be 0.00 through 9999.99.
Dimensions - Length (feet) Length (in feet) of the room. The value can be 0.00 through 9999.99.
Dimensions - Area (square feet) Area (in square feet) of the room. This value is automatically calculated when the width and length are saved.