Roommate Application (SLARMAT) page

You use this page to create and maintain roommate applications by term which will be used in the batch scheduling process. Only one roommate application record needs to exist for the group of individuals requesting to be scheduled together.

You can enter the IDs of the individuals who want to share a dorm room in the Roommate Application section. Also, you can indicate preference for campus, building, category and room in the Roommates Room Preference section. Finally, you can indicate special room attributes as desired or required in the Roommate Room Attribute section. Roommates must, ultimately, have individual applications filed through the Dorm Room and Meal Application (SLARMAP) page to be considered for scheduling.

To add an application, enter ADD in the Roommate Sequence Number field or select Add Application from the Options Menu.

Data must be created on these forms, before using this page:
  • Campus Code Validation (STVCAMP) page
  • Building Code Validation (STVBLDG) page
  • Building Definition (SLABLDG) page
  • Room Definition (SLARDEF) page, and
  • Building/Room Attribute Code Validation (STVRDEF) page