Available Rooms section

Use this section to display a list of available rooms that meet your selection criteria.

Fields Descriptions
Building Building in which the available room is located. This value comes from the Building field in the main window on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page. It cannot be changed.
Room Room used at your institution for student housing, classes, events, and functions. These values come from the Room and Description fields in the main window on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page. They cannot be changed.
Campus Campus where the building is located. This value comes from the Campus field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. It cannot be changed.
Site Site location within the campus where the building is located.

This value comes from the Site field in the main window on the Building Definition (SLABLDG) page. It cannot be changed.

Capacity Normal capacity of the room. This value comes from the Capacity field in the main window on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page. It cannot be changed.
Room Type Type of room. This value comes from the Room Type field in the main window on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page. It cannot be changed.

Choices are:

C-The room can be used for classes, events, and functions.

O-The room can be used for events and functions.