key block

Use the key block to enter the search criteria for displaying a list of rooms available in a specified date and time range. You can also specify the days of the week, building, campus, site, capacity, and room type.

You can enter up to six room attributes as search criteria. Room attributes are special features and equipment that apply a room such as auditorium, computer lab, library, multi-media room, and so on.

Fields Descriptions
Start Date Start date of the period you want to query.
End Date End date of the period you want to query.
Mon Check box that indicates whether Monday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Monday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as M.

unchecked-Do not include Monday in the meeting pattern.

Tue Check box that indicates whether Tuesday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Tuesday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as T.

unchecked-Do not include Tuesday in the meeting pattern.

Wed Check box that indicates whether Wednesday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Wednesday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as W.

unchecked-Do not include Wednesday in the meeting pattern.

Thu Check box that indicates whether Thursday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Thursday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as R.

unchecked-Do not include Thursday in the meeting pattern.

Fri Check box that indicates whether Friday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Friday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as F.

unchecked-Do not include Friday in the meeting pattern.

Sat Check box that indicates whether Saturday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Saturday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as S.

unchecked-Do not include Saturday in the meeting pattern.

Sun Check box that indicates whether Sunday is in the meeting pattern you want to query.

Choices are:

checked-Include Sunday in the meeting pattern. This value is stored in the database as U.

unchecked-Do not include Sunday in the meeting pattern.

Begin Time Start time of the period you want to query. Format is HHMM in 24-hour military time.
End Time End time of the period you want to query. Format is HHMM in 24-hour military time.
Building Building you want to query. Buildings are used at your institution for student housing, classes, events, and functions.

Choices come from the Building Code Validation (STVBLDG) list.

Campus Campus you want to query. This code identifies the campus where the building is located.

Choices come from the Campus Validation (STVCAMP) list.

Site Site you want to query. This code identifies the site location within the campus where the building is located.

Choices come from the Site Validation (STVSITE) list.

Capacity Minimum capacity you want to query. A room that has this capacity or greater is a match.
Room Type Radio group that indicates the room type you want to query.

Choices are:

Classroom-These rooms can be used for classes, events, and functions. This value is stored in the database as C.

Other-These rooms can be used for events and functions. This value is stored in the database as O.

All-These rooms can be used for classes, events, and functions.

Attribute 1 through Attribute 6 Attributes you want to query. Attributes are special features and equipment that apply a room.

Choices come from the Building/Room Attributes Validation (STVRDEF) list.