Attribute Control section

Use this section to identify the term and dates when the room information is effective.

Fields Descriptions
Term Term when the room information is effective. Display only.

This term depends on the term in effect on the page that called SLQROOM.

  • If you access SLQROOM from the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page, Dorm Room and Meal Application (SLARMAP) page, or Schedule (SSASECT) page, this value comes from the Term field on the calling page. If the calling page does not have a term, 999999 is the default value.
  • If you access SLQROOM from the Event (SLAEVNT) page or Event Function (GEAFUNC) page, this value comes from the term on the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) page for the current date.
Start Date Start date of the term. Display only.

This value comes from the Term Start Date field on STVTERM for the term in the Term field.

End Date End date of the term. Display only.

This value comes from the Term End Date field on STVTERM for the term in the Term field.