Room Description section

Use this section to display summary information about the rooms in your institution’s buildings for an indicated term.

Fields Descriptions
Building Code of the building. This value comes from the Building field in the main window of SLARDEF.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the Building Code Validation (STVBLDG) list.

List Building Code Validation (STVBLDG)

Room Code of the room. This value comes from the Room field in the main window of SLARDEF.

In query mode, use the sign < to query capacities less than a specific value or the sign > to query capacities greater than a specific value. For example, enter <100 to query capacities less than 100 or >200 to query a capacities over 200.

Description Description associated with the room code, automatically displayed when a valid value is entered in the Room field. Display only.
Type Code for the room type. Choices are:

D Dorm - The Room Assignment (SLARASG) page and Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD) can assign IDs to this room.

C Classroom - The Schedule (SSASECT) page can schedule classes in this room, the Event (SLAEVNT) page can schedule events and functions in this room, and the Event Function (GEAFUNC) page can schedule functions in this room.

O Other - SLAEVNT can schedule events and functions in this room, and GEAFUNC can schedule functions in this room.

This value comes from the Room Type field in the main window of SLARDEF.

Capacity Normal capacity of the room.

This value comes from the Capacity field in the main window of SLARDEF.

Banner® uses this value as follows:
  • Location Management (Student System) uses this value to assign the correct number of students to a dormitory room.
  • Class Schedule (Student System) uses this value to schedule a class in a properly sized room.
  • Event Management (General System) uses this value to schedule an event or function in a properly sized room.

In query mode, use the sign < to query capacities less than a specific value or the sign > to query capacities greater than a specific value. For example, enter <100 to query capacities less than 100 or >200 to query a capacities over 200.

Max Maximum capacity of the room. If this value is greater than the normal capacity, extra people can be assigned to the room.

This value comes from the Maximum field in this main window of SLARDEF.

In query mode, use the sign < to query capacities less than a specific value or the sign > to query capacities greater than a specific value. For example, enter <100 to query capacities less than 100 or >200 to query a capacities over 200.

Room Status Status of the room, such as active, being renovated, and so on.

A room cannot be used for a class, dormitory assignment, event, or function if its status code is flagged as inactive on the Room Status Code Validation (STVRMST) page.

This value comes from the Status field in the main window of SLARDEF.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the Room Status Code Validation (STVRMST) list.

List Room Status Code Validation (STVRMST)

College College that has primary responsibility for operating and maintaining the room.

This value comes from the College field in the main window of SLARDEF.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the College Validation (STVCOLL) list.

List College Validation (STVCOLL)

Department Department, within the college, that has primary responsibility for operating and maintaining the room.

This value comes from the Department field in the main window of SLARDEF.

For queries, select the Search button for this field to display the Department Validation (STVDEPT) list.

List Department Validation (STVDEPT)

Category Code for the physical area of the building where the room is located, such as specific floors, wings, and so on. The Location Management module uses categories to assign students to preferred areas of a building.

This value comes from the Category field in the main window of SLARDEF.

Gender Code for the gender associated with the room. This is used to indicates any gender restrictions for the room.

The Room Assignment (SLARASG) page and Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD) use this information to assign student housing. This value comes from the Gender field in the main window of SLABLDG.

The following forms identify a person’s gender:
  • Dorm Room and Meal Application (SLARMAP) page
  • General Person (SPAPERS) page

Choices are:

M Male - The room is available to males only. Females and persons of unknown gender cannot be assigned to the room.

F Female - The room is available to females only. Males and persons of unknown gender cannot be assigned to the room.

null No gender - The room is available to both males and females.

Rooms are assigned as follows:
  • If you are using the Room Assignment (SLARASG) page, you can assign both males and females to the room. This method is useful for married couples and co-ed housing.
  • If you are using the Batch Scheduler Report (SLRSHCD), the gender of the first person assigned to the room determines the gender of the room. If the first person assigned has an unknown gender, no one else is assigned to the room. The gender restriction on the Room Definition (SLARDEF) page does not change.