Main window

The following fields are displayed in the main window.

Fields Descriptions
Area Code for the area. Required.
Description Description of the area. Required.
Student Level Student level associated with the area. Required.

When an area whose student level does not match the program's student level is attached to a program, the system displays a warning message.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) list.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Course Level “Native” course level of the area. Required.

Native level identifies the level of courses that will always be eligible to satisfy the area’s detail requirements. Other course levels can also be included or excluded, but native level courses will always be eligible.

When an area whose course level does not match the program's course level is attached to a program, the system displays a warning message.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Level Code Validation (STVLEVL) list.

List Level Code Validation (STVLEVL)

Compliance Check box used to indicate whether the area can be attached to a program, or that compliance in a non-captive program can select the program. Select this check box if the area is to be used by the compliance process when performing a compliance evaluation.
Dynamic Check box used to indicate whether the area can be processed dynamically. Only dynamic areas are processed based on qualifiers for non-captive programs. If an area is attached to a captive program, the dynamic indicator is ignored. Select this check box if the area can be selected dynamically.
Prerequisite Check box used to indicate whether the area can be attached to a course or a section on the Catalog Prerequisite and Test Score Restrictions (SCAPREQ) page or the Schedule Prerequisite and Test Score Restrictions (SSAPREQ) page.
Print Indicator Indicates which items are to be printed on hardcopy output. Values in the pull-down list are the following:
  • Print Everything
  • Print Only Gen Reqs
  • Print Gen Reqs and Text
  • Print Text Only
  • Print Nothing

The option selected is used by the compliance Hardcopy Output (SMRCRLT) when printing hardcopy output which includes the area. The flags from the area library are used in conjunction with the rules for output defined on the Compliance Print Type Rules (SMACPRT) page. For example, if the print type rules specify to print area text, but the area library specifies Print Nothing, no area text is printed for the area. The print type rules control what area information is printed, subject to the additional control defined in the group library area.