Area Restricted Grades window

Use the Area Restricted Grades window to define acceptable grades for the area specified in the key block of the main window.

Grade restrictions defined in this window apply only to those grade codes that have the same course level defined the Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page as the native course level for the area. Also, restrictions defined in this window apply only to the specific grade codes being restricted. The restrictions are not applied to grade codes that have a lower numeric value.

Fields Descriptions
From Term First term in which this set of restrictions is in effect. Display only.
To Term Last term in which this set of restrictions is in effect. Display only.
Grade Code of the grade associated with this restriction.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page.

List Grade Code Maintenance (SHAGRDE) page

Maximum Credits Maximum number of credits with the restricted grade that can be used to satisfy area requirements.
Connector None/Or Option group to indicate which value(s) the system should use.

You can enter a value in either the Maximum Credits field or the Maximum Courses field, or both. Use the Connector option button group to indicate whether the system should use only one value (None) or either value (Or). (If using the None connector, a value can be entered in only one of the two fields.)

See the “Connectors” section in the “Common Concepts” chapter of the Banner Student CAPP Handbook for more information about connectors.

Maximum Courses Maximum number of courses with the restricted grade that can be used to satisfy area requirements.
More Text Check box used to indicate whether text has been associated with the selected grade restriction. Display only.

Edit Area Restricted Grade Text window

Mouse Keyboard Result
Maintenance Duplicate Record Copies restricted grades from a prior term range to a new effective term range
Maintenance Duplicate Item Copies the term code in the key block to the To Term field
Comments Edit Opens the Area Restricted Grade Text window