Compliance Request block

Use this section to create a new compliance request or display existing compliance requests for the ID specified in the Key block.

Fields Descriptions
Evaluation Term Code of the term in which the student expects to complete the program. Required.

You can use this field with any year rule (for example, “satisfy a non-course requirement within the last five years,” or “take all courses within the last seven years”) to determine whether the requirement was met within the specified time period.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation list (STVTERM)

Course Usage Order Order in which courses/course attributes should be considered by the compliance process. Required.

C Chronological order by term, oldest first

T Descending order by term

G Descending order by grade

Minimum Numeric Grade Value Lowest numeric grade value allowed for courses/course attributes to be considered by the compliance process. Required.

A higher value can be used to restrict undesired work from being considered, for example, to restrict withdrawals or courses taken for audit from being considered by the compliance process.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Numeric Value of Grades List.

List Numeric Value of Grades List

Apply Degree Courses Only Check box used to indicate whether only courses and non-courses applied to a specific degree record should be considered by the compliance process.

Select this check box only if the curriculum associated with the compliance request is to be retrieved from a degree already in academic history. If you select this check box but do not select the curriculum from an academic history degree, the system displays a warning message when you save the request, and the box defaults back to cleared.

Update Applied Courses Check box used to indicate whether courses and non-courses used by the compliance process to satisfy a requirement should be applied to the specific degree record associated with the compliance request.

Select the check box only when the curriculum associated with the compliance request is to be retrieved from a degree already in academic history. If you select this check box, but do not select the curriculum from an academic history degree, the system displays a warning message when you save the request, and the box defaults back to cleared.

If courses and non-courses are to be applied to a degree, all existing applied-to records for the degree are deleted by the compliance process and only courses and non-courses used to satisfy requirements for that program are applied to the degree after the update.

Use In-Progress Courses Check box used to indicate whether the compliance process should select in-progress courses (ungraded courses in registration) and make them available to satisfy the requirements. If you want to use in-progress courses, the minimum and maximum in-progress terms must also be specified.

When in-progress courses are selected by the compliance process, they become available to satisfy any detail requirements, and they will accumulate to group, area, and program general requirements/ credit/course minimums. They do not accumulate to institutional traditional or institutional non-traditional, nor are they used to calculate any grade-point averages. This is because courses must be graded and rolled to academic history before they can be used toward these requirements.

Create Unused Area Records Check box used to indicate whether the compliance process should create output records for unused areas. Areas are unused by the compliance process if:
  • A dynamic area is attached to a non-captive program but discarded based on unmatched area qualifiers
  • The area is inactive
  • There are no requirements for an area

The advantages of each method are the following.

  • Creating unused area records enables you to:

    Display unused areas on the compliance output inquiry forms and in printed output

    Determine exactly why an expected area was not used.

  • Not creating unused area records reduces storage space for compliance output results.
Create Unused Course/Attributes Check box used to indicate whether the compliance process should create output records for any unused courses or course attributes. Courses/attributes are unused by the compliance process if:
  • A course/attribute does not satisfy a detail requirement
  • The course/attribute is excluded or restricted by a restriction or specific exclusion

The advantages of each method are the following.

  • Creating unused course/attribute records enables you to:

    Display unused courses/attributes on the compliance output inquiry forms and in printed output

    Determine exactly why a course/attribute was not used.

  • Not creating unused course/attribute records reduces storage space for compliance output results.
Create Rejection Records Check box used to indicate whether the compliance process should create output records for any rejected courses or course attributes. Courses/attributes are rejected by the compliance process if they qualify under any kind of restriction or specific exclusion. A course/course attribute that is rejected will also be unused.

The advantages of each method are the following.

  • Creating rejected course/attribute records enables you to:

    Display rejected courses/attributes on the compliance output inquiry forms and in printed output

    Determine exactly why a course/attribute was rejected.

  • Not creating rejected course/attribute records reduces storage space for compliance output results.
Create Course Select Report Check box used to indicate whether the compliance process should create the Program Compliance Report (SMRCMPL) during compliance processing for this request.
The SMRCMPL report displays the courses and course attributes, sorted chronologically by term or in descending grade order as specified in the Course Usage Order field, that were selected for processing based on the following:
  • Evaluation term
  • Minimum and maximum in-progress terms
  • Minimum and maximum overall terms
  • Minimum grade numeric value

Creating this report enables you to determine which courses/attributes were processed and the order in which the courses/attributes were considered.

Requesting the SMRCMPL report is extremely useful during testing, as it can help you discover flaws in your programs. After testing is completed, you will probably not want to request this output on a routine basis for each compliance request.

Request Number Number assigned to a compliance request when it is saved. Display only.

When a new compliance request for the student is saved, the next available one-up number is generated for the new request. Requests are displayed in descending order (most recent request first).

Origin Code Code for the originator of the compliance request.

When a code is entered, a truncated originator description displays. This field does not control any system processing, but indicates the source of the compliance request and can be included in the hardcopy output.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Originator Validation (STVORIG) list.

List Originator Validation (STVORIG)

Origin ID Banner® ID of the user who originated the compliance request.

This field does not control system processing, but indicates the source of the compliance request and can be included in the hardcopy output.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Option List.

List Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

Count Hits Non-Person Search (SOACOMP) page

Duplicate Rec Faculty/Advisor Filter (SIAIQRY)

Duplicate Item Multiple Advisor (SGAADVR)

Origin Name (untitled) Name associated with the ID, automatically displayed when a value is entered in the Origin ID field. Display only.
Advisor and Class Term Code of the term to be used to select student classification and advisor information.

This field is usually used only for hardcopy output.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)


In-Progress Term

Code of the earliest term from which in-progress courses should be selected for consideration. Required if the request specifies that in-progress courses should be used (that is, the Use In-Progress Courses check box is selected).

The term must be less than or equal to the maximum in-progress term.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)


In-Progress Term

Code of the latest term from which in-progress courses should be selected for consideration. Required if the request specifies that in-progress courses should be used (that is, the Use In-Progress Courses check box is selected).

The term must be greater than or equal to the minimum in-progress term.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Minimum Cutoff Term Code of the earliest term from which any (in-progress, academic history, or transfer) courses should be selected for consideration.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Maximum Cutoff Term Code of the latest term from which any (in-progress, academic history, or transfer) courses should be selected for consideration.

Select the Search button for this field to display the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Requestor Banner ID of the user who created the compliance request. Display only.
Compliance Request Date Date on which the compliance request was saved. Display only.

For a new compliance request, the system automatically inserts the system date.

Compliance Date Date on which the compliance process was run for this request. Display only.