Administrator Role Rules (SOAADAS) page

This page allows you to define a combination of rules to be used in assigning different administrators (recruiter, reader, alumni recruiter, etc.) to high school and person records.

The page allows institutions to use many fields available within Banner® to determine how a specific administrative role should be assigned. Examples of fields which are included are: college code, campus, level, home address state, EPS market code, geographic region code, high school code, degree, program, ethnicity, gender, etc.

The page can be entered in query mode, allowing you to see which rules have been defined for the administrator ID in the key.

To create a new rule for the administrator ID in the key, enter the appropriate effective term and role for the new rule in the Rule Definitions section. The system automatically creates the rule number after the new rule assignments have been saved.

Access the Assignment Rules section, and define the specific elements that govern the new rule.

The fields that are available have been predefined in the Administrator Assignment Data Element Validation (STVADDA) page. The logic is an OR condition within like data elements and an AND condition between different data elements. If more than one rule ID exists for an administrator/role combination, OR logic is used between the rules.

Fields Descriptions
Active Rules can be inactivated by unchecking the Active check box in the Rule Definitions section. Only rules that are active can be modified in the Assignment Rules section.
Data Element Use List from the Data Element field to see the Administrator Assignment Data Element Codes Lookup button.
Operator The Operator field can be set to either "=" equal or "<>" not equal.
From Value Use List from the From Value field to assign the appropriate value for the corresponding data element.
To Value You may designate a range of values for a data element using List from the To Value field, for example a ZIP Code range of 06000 to 06599.