Major-Dependent Concentrations window

Use this window to view concentrations attached to a major.

You can access this window using the Major-Dependent Concentrations section. The base rule and specific major display at the top of the window. The concentrations attached to the major can be turned on and off over time, using the checkboxes for the modules.

You can access this window only if the Attach Concentrations to Majors radio group on SOACTRL is set to Yes, and the Major-Dependent Concentrations section is displayed from the Majors and Departments window.

You can copy attached concentrations to a new effective term or end them as of a given term. The message No Effective Terms Found appears in the window until at least one record is added for an initial term range (e.g., 199501 - 999999). If the record is copied or ended, creating multiple effective term records (e.g., 199501 - 199601 and 199601 - 999999), the message Multiple Effective Terms Present will display in the window. A List function from the From Term field will display the concentration rule effective terms which exist. When attempting to copy or end a rule, the list of terms presented will not include terms which have already been used for copying or ending.

The system will interpret a window with no data as an indicator that all concentrations are valid for the major. To specify that no concentrations are valid, a value (e.g., XCON - No Concentrations Valid) should be created on the Major, Minor, Concentration Code Validation (STVMAJR) page and entered in this window for the specific major where no concentrations are valid.

Use an Edit function from the From Term field to access the Majors and Departments window, or select the Majors and Departments section.