Address section

Use the Address section to view the existing addresses for the ID in type order.

Field Description
Address Type Displays the code for the type of address associated with the ID. Examples include mailing, billing, business. You cannot update this field, but you may view the Address Type Validation (STVATYP) list to see the address type description for the code in the field.

The value comes from the Address Type field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

Sequence Number Used to display the internal sequence number that is assigned to each address type associated with the ID. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the SequenceNumber field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

Source Displays the source code for the address record. Examples include individual, registrar, phonathon, return mail. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the Source field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

House Number Unique number assigned to each building on a street or in an area and used as part of the postal address in some countries.
Street Line 1

Street Line 2

Street Line 3

Street Line 4

Displays the street address for the address type for the ID. This information cannot be changed.

This information comes from the House Number, Street Line 1, Street Line 2, Street Line 3, and Street Line 4 fields in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

City Displays the city in the address for the address type for the ID. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the City field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

Inactive Address Check box that indicates whether the status of the address type is not active or active for the ID. It cannot be changed. Choices are:
  • Checked = Address type is inactive for the ID.
  • Not checked = Address type is active for the ID.

This value comes from the Inactive Address check box in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

From Date Date from which address type is active or inactive for the ID. If blank, the address type is effective. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the From Date field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

To Date Date to which address type is active or inactive for the ID. If blank, the address type is effective. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the To Date field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

State Displays the state or province in the address for the address type for the ID. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the State or Province field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

ZIP/Postal Code Displays the ZIP or postal code in the address for the address type for the ID. It cannot be changed.

This value comes from the ZIPor Postal Code field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.

Nation Displays the nation code and description in the address for the address type for the ID. It cannot be changed.

These values come from the Nation field in the Address window on the General Person Identification (SPAIDEN) page.