Faculty/Advisor Process Rules (SOAFACS) page

This page is used to set up process rules for process/role access and evaluation in Self-Service.

Within a rule, you can restrict faculty member and advisor access to Self-Service as needed by role (faculty or advisor), active process, overall access, student PIN, relationship to student or CRN, primary instructor or advisor, attribute type, or advisor type. Each rule, with the exception of the ENTERGRADES rule, can be customized for a faculty member or an advisor to control access to the various processes set up on the Process Control Code Validation (STVPROC) page and associated Self-Service options. The ENTERGRADES process is available for faculty only. Processes include Self-Service options that relate to viewing or updating student information such as schedules, test scores, grades, holds, transcripts, and compliance evaluations. You can also control access to grade entry by faculty.

The following fields are on this page.

Field Description
Process Process code and description for the faculty/advisor process rule.

List Process Code Control Validation (STVPROC)

Faculty or Advisor Designates if the process rule is for a faculty member or advisor. Valid values are Faculty or Advisor.

The ENTERGRADES process is available for faculty only.

Process Available on Self-Service Check box used to indicate whether the process rule is active for the faculty member or advisor in Self-Service.

When this indicator is checked, and faculty members or advisors meet the process rule, they have access to the process.

When this indicator is unchecked, faculty members and advisors cannot access the process, but they can see the link to the process. A message is displayed indicating they do not have access to the process.

All Access Check box used to indicate that no security is invoked for the process, and faculty members and advisors are able to view all available student information in Self-Service.

When this indicator has been checked, you cannot activate the settings for the other indicators except for the Process Available on Self-Service indicator.

The All Access indicator must be unchecked to set the other indicators to checked or unchecked and activate those settings for the rule.

PIN Control Check box used to indicate whether the student’s PIN needs to be entered to access the process rule in Self-Service. When checked, the PIN is required.

The PIN Control check box is not available for the DISPLAYGRADES or ENTERGRADES process rules.

Relationship Check box used to require that the faculty member or advisor must have a teaching (CRN) or advising (ID) relationship with the student, to access the process rule in Self-Service.

For example, when a faculty member is teaching a section in which the student is enrolled, and the Web page is displayed based on the student’s ID, that faculty member can access the process.

Or, when a faculty member is assigned to teach a section, and the Web page is displayed based on the CRN, that faculty member can access the process.

Primary Check box used to require that the faculty member or advisor must be the primary instructor or primary advisor for the student to access the process rule in Self-Service.

The faculty member must be the primary instructor on SSASECT to access the process.

The advisor must be the primary advisor on SGAADVR to access the process.

Attribute Type Checking Check box used to require that the faculty attribute type or advisor type must be checked to access the process rule in Self-Service.

For faculty members, the system checks the attribute on SIAINST and then cross-references it to SOAFAPC.

For advisors, the system checks the advisor type on SGAADVR and then cross-references it to SOAFAPC.

System Required Check box is used to specify whether the code is required by the system. If this check box is checked, the record cannot be deleted. When this check box is checked, it cannot be unchecked.

For this page, all delivered processes are system-required.

User ID ID of the user who last updated the record. Display only.
Activity Date Date on which the record was last updated. Display only.