Results window

Use this window to view the update results of the search by student ID, including result messages and whether updates were successful (Yes), partially or not successful (No), or not considered (None).

Records are listed in name order by last name, then first name, then middle name. The results detail that is displayed in this window changes based on the mass entry page used in the session.

You can navigate to directly display and review individual result messages for consecutive records without using Enter and tabbing to the Message field. When you are in the Message field for a record, use the Edit button to open the Edit window. Click OK when you are done, and then press the Tab key to view the message for the next record. Continue to click OK and press the Tab key to review as many messages as you want.

Fields Descriptions
Date Initiated Date and time the updates were started.
User ID Initiated ID of user who performed the updates.
Date Completed Date and time the updates were completed.
User ID Completed ID of user who completed the updates. This ID can be different from the user who started the updates, especially if the updates were held for job submission.
Form Name Banner mass entry page on which the updates took place.
Description (untitled) Banner mass entry page descriptive name.
Batch Process ID Batch process identifier, system generated by the mass entry page when updates were held for job submission.
ID ID of the student.
Name Name of student.
Display of fields below from Application Number to Ceremony Term is determined by which mass entry page was used.
Application Number Admissions application number for the record. Displayed when detail is from SAAMAPP.
Admission Term Term of admission for the record. Displayed when detail is from SAAMAPP.
Effective Term Effective term for the record. Displayed when detail is from SGAMSTU.
Sport Sport code for the record. Displayed when detail is from SGAMSPT.
Search Term Search term for the record. Displayed when detail is from SGAMSPT.
Sequence Number Degree (outcome) record sequence number for the record. Displayed when detail is from SHAMDEG, SHAMCAT, SHAMDIP, and SHAMUDI.
Ceremony Ceremony for the record. Displayed when detail is from SHAMUCA.
Ceremony Term Term for the ceremony for the record. Displayed when detail is from SHAMUCA.
Hold Check box used to indicate whether holds exist. This field is informational only and will not prevent updates.
Manually Added Check box used to indicate whether the ID was added manually on a mass entry page.
Update Status (untitled) Radio group that indicates whether changes for the record were successfully saved and the parent page was updated, were not successfully saved and the parent page was not updated, were partially saved and the parent page was partially updated, or that no processing of updates was considered for the record.

Valid values are: Yes, No, Partial, None.

Message Displays results related messages, for successful, partially successful, or unsuccessful updates. Use the Edit button to open the Edit window and view the full text.
Process Ind (Indicator) Check box that indicates whether the student’s updates were processed.
Conf (Confidential) Check box used to indicate whether the student’s information is confidential. This field is informational only and does not prevent updates.
Deceased Check box used to indicate whether the student is deceased. This is informational only and will not prevent processing from taking place, unless the record is from SAAMAPP.