Sessions section

Use this section to view mass entry session records from the SOBMAUD table that are returned by the query in the key block. The data includes the mass entry page name, user ID, processing start date and timestamp, processing end date and timestamp, and batch ID used for job submission.

Fields Descriptions
Date Initiated Date and time the updates were started.
User ID Initiated ID of user who performed the updates.

List All Oracle Users

Date Completed Date and time the updates were completed.
User ID ID of user who completed the updates. This ID can be different from the user who started the updates, especially if the updates were held for job submission.

List All Oracle Users

Form Name Banner mass entry page on which the updates took place.

List Object Maintenance (GUAOBJS) page

Description (untitled) Banner mass entry page descriptive name.
Batch Process ID Batch process identifier, system generated by the mass entry page when updates were held for job submission.

List All Oracle Users.

Selection of an ID will display all batch process IDs associated with the query.