Default Refunding Rules Definition

This section of the page is used to define refunding rules for status codes that will be available for drop or withdrawal processing. This section of the page displays child records for the record selected in the Default Registration Status Code Definition section.

Note: In the section level rules, there is a second refunding criteria, duration complete, that can be defined in place of the percent complete information entered here. As the duration is defined at the section level, and validation is required to ensure that the duration assigned in the rule corresponds to that defined at the section, the duration complete information cannot be defined at this time.
Fields Descriptions
Percent Complete Value used to determine the appropriate refund percentage.

When applied to an individual registration, the student's elapsed time from the start date of the registration will be calculated and compared to this value. Enter a value between -100 and 100.

For example, your institutional policy states that the learner is entitled to an 80% tuition refund if the course is dropped between 0 and 10% complete (exclusive). 10 would be entered in this field, and 80 would be entered in the Tuition Refund field. When the fee assessment process is triggered, if the student had completed less than 10% of the duration of the course, this rule would be invoked.

This allows non-term-based courses to have registration start dates that span a date range, and it provides for flexible course durations.

Refunding rules for traditional courses are used to control the amount of the refund the student will receive based on the drop/withdrawal being processed between set dates. This is possible because all students in an individual class start on the same date.

However, in the case of open learning course registration records, this is not possible, as registration start dates span a date range. To impose a set period of time for processing would penalize some learners. Therefore, using percent complete provides a means of equalizing the refunding rules, and providing for flexible course durations.

Tuition Refund Used to calculate the tuition refund.

Enter a value between 0 and 100 percent for the calculation of the tuition refund. This refund percentage will be used in determining the student's financial indebtedness to your institution.

Fee Refund Used to calculate the fee refund.

Enter value between 0 and 100 percent for the calculation of the fee refund. This refund percentage will be used in determining the student's financial indebtedness to your institution.

Extension Refund Used to calculate the extension refund.

Enter a value between 0 and 100 percent for the calculation of the extension fee refund. This refund percentage will be used in determining the student's financial indebtedness to your institution.

Override Indicator Check box used by SSARULE to determine if the values defaulted from here can be changed.