Default Registration Status Code Definition

Use this section of the page to define the various status codes that will be available to the registration processes.

The only enterable fields in this section are the Status Code, Usage Cutoff From (Percentage), and Usage Cutoff To (Percentage). The other fields display the corresponding data from the Course Registration Status Code Validation (STVRSTS) page. This section of the page displays child records for the record selected in the Registration Date Defaults section.

If extensions are permitted for this section, a status code defined for use in extension processing (where the Extension Indicator in STVRSTS is checked and the Withdrawal Indicator is unchecked) must be defined. If academic policy permits the drop of or withdrawal from extensions, it will be necessary to define a separate extension withdrawal code (where the Extension Indicator and the Withdrawal Indicator in STVRSTS are checked) and corresponding refunding rules.

Note: Status codes defined for use with extensions will not be enterable in any of the registration processes.
Fields Descriptions
Status Code Registration status code and description associated with the identifying criteria for the rule.
Usage Cutoff From (Percentage) Usage cutoff from percentage. This field determines when this status code is available for use.

As open learning processing is based on individual student progress in a course, the usage cutoff percentages as a range are used to determine if the status code will be available during the time elapsed since, or the time remaining until, the student's start date of the course.

If pre-registration is permitted, and policy allows the use of a particular code from the day the student registers until a date specified by the Usage Cutoff To field as described below, enter NULL in this field.

Negative values may be used in this field for those codes that are permitted for only a limited amount of time before the student starts class. For example, if a status code is to take effect one week before the student starts a ten week course, set the value of this field to -10.

A value of 0 (zero) in this field signifies that the status code is available from the day the student starts class, until the date determined by the value in the Usage Cutoff To field.

If a value is entered into this field, it is mandatory that a value be entered into the Usage Cutoff To field.

It is not mandatory to define any of the usage cutoff fields. If not defined, the status code will always be available for use. For more examples of how to set the usage cutoff fields, please refer to the Banner Open Learning Registration Handbook.

Usage Cutoff To (Percentage) Usage cutoff to percentage. This field completes the usage cutoff percent range. This field is required when the Usage Cutoff From field is populated.

Negative values may be used in this field for status codes that are permitted only before the student starts class. For example, if a status code is to be available from the date the student registers until one week before the student starts a ten week course, set the Usage Cutoff From field to NULL, and set this field to -10.

A value of 0 (zero) in this field signifies that the code may be used until the day before the student starts class. For example, if a status code is to be available for the entire time before the student starts class, set the Usage Cutoff From field to NULL, and set this field to 0.

It is not mandatory to define any of the usage cutoff fields. If not defined, the status code will always be available for use. For more examples of how to set the usage cutoff fields, please refer to the Banner Open Learning Registration Handbook.

Effect by Student Status Check box used to specify if this registration status code can be overwritten with a student enrollment status code.
Allow Entry Check box that displays the setting of the Allowed to Enter check box on STVRSTS for the status code.
Count in Enrollment Check box that displays the setting of the Count in Enrollment check box on STVRSTS for the status code.
Web Indicator Check box that displays the setting of the Web Indicator check box on STVRSTS for the status code.
Withdrawal Indicator Check box that displays the setting of the Withdrawal Indicator check box on STVRSTS for the status code.
Extension Check box that displays the setting of the Extension Indicator check box on STVRSTS for the status code.
Print on Schedule Check box that displays the setting of the Print on Schedule check box on STVRSTS for the status code.
Voice Response Value of the Status Type field on STVRSTS for the status code.