Assignment block

Use Assignment block to assign a communication plan to the person in the Key block.

Fields Descriptions
Plan Communication plan code and description for the actual plan(s) assigned to the prospect, applicant, or student. Plans are separated by term code and application, or by sequence number. Choices come from the Communication Plan Code Validation (STVCPLN) page.

To query, add, or delete materials and groups of materials associated with a communication plan, use the Communication Plan (SOACPLN) page.

Select Create Materials from the Options Menu or perform a Count Filter Hits function from the Plan field to create materials for a new communication plan for the person whose ID is in the Key block. The message Material Creation Completed appears when this is done.

Plan Type (untitled) Provides additional information on how a record came to be part of a person's communication plan that is assigned in the Recruiting, Admissions, or General Student module. Choices are:

Recruiting - A recruiting plan can originate from the Quick Recruit (SRAQUIK) page or the Prospect Information (SRARECR) page.

Admissions - An admissions plan can originate from the Quick Entry (SAAQUIK) page or the Admissions Application (SAAADMS) page.

Student - A student plan can originate from the General Student (SGASTDN) page.

Term Term code associated with the recruiting record or application. This field defaults based on the term of the recruiting, admissions, and general student record from which the communication plan assignment was made. Choices come from the Term Code Validation (STVTERM) list of values.
Sequence Number Sequence number associated with the specific recruiting record or application. This field defaults based on the sequence number of the recruiting, admissions, and general student record from which the communication plan assignment was made.
Active Indicates whether the corresponding communication plan is active or not. Multiple communication plans may be active for a person, and multiple communication plans may be active for a person in a single module. Choices are:

checked - The communication plan is active. The person has active materials for the associated communication plan ready to be processed on the Student Mail (SUAMAIL) page through Letter Generation. This value is stored in the database as Y. Y is the default.

unchecked - The corresponding communication plan is inactive. The person no longer receives materials as part of that plan. This value is stored in the database as N.

Mail Exists Indicates whether mail is pending or not. When the Mail Exists check box is checked, the materials are posted automatically to the Student Mail (SUAMAIL) page through Letter Generation based on the plan code that generated those materials. (Materials may be sent manually after a plan is assigned to a person, materials are created, and the rules for the materials meet the criteria for addition to SUAMAIL.) Choices are:

checked - Pending mail exists. This value is stored in the database as Y.

unchecked - No pending mail exists. This value is stored in the database as N. N is the default.

Based on existence of mail on GURMAIL if the GURMAIL print date is blank, and mail is associated with the communication plan code assigned to the person.