Source/Background Institution Summary (SOASBSM) page

This page calls a view that generates the high school data to be displayed. The view calculates the percentages for the appropriate fields. The page is entered in query mode.

The key block contains a source/background institution code, which is required.

The Source or Background Institution Summary Block contains the summary information for the institution in the key, such as a term code, a level code, a campus code, a college code, a program code, a major code, and a student type code, which are optional. The fields in this block are queryable.

If the term code is left blank, then the page displays all pertinent data for the source/background institution code in the key for all available terms beginning with the most current term. If the term code is entered, the page displays all pertinent information for that term only.

Fields Descriptions
Class Size The number of seniors, obtained from SORBDMO_NO_OF_SENIORS on SOABGIY if available for the correct year.

If no value exists in this field for the correct year, the program will try to use the Class Size field (SORHSCH_CLASS_SIZE) on SOAHSCH for any ID selected in the query. Regardless of which class size field is used, the Graduation Date field (SORHSCH_GRADUATION_DATE) must be filled in.

Number of Prospects Number of prospects for the term.
Number of Applicants Number of applicants for the term.
Percentage of Applicants Percentage of applicants, rate of number of applicants to senior class or high school size.
Number Accepted Number of applicants accepted for admission, (Institution Acceptance flag checked on STVAPDC).
Percentage of Acceptances Percentage of acceptances, (number of acceptances to number of applicants).
Number of Confirmations Number of student confirmations, (those having decision code of "applicant accept" selected).

Students are added to this counter if they have the decision code that is entered in the External Code field of the GTVSDAX record with an Internal Code of DEPOPAID and a Group (Code) of DEPOSIT.

Percentage of Confirmations Percentage of confirmations, number of confirmed students to number of accepted applicants.

At the bottom of the window, the totals for the query are listed by Number of Prospects, Number of Applicants, Number (of Applicants) Accepted, Percentage of Acceptances, Number of (Student) Confirmations, and Percentage of Confirmations.