Base Part of Term

This section of the page displays part of term records, Web registration start and end date ranges, and Faculty and Advisor Self-Service access dates. Use the Base Part of Term section to access this area of the page.

Use the Base Part of Term information to define part of term information for the full term in the key block. This includes the start and end dates, number of weeks in part of term, and census date.

At least one part of term must be established that is equal to the full term.

Note: Be very careful when altering part of term information, when scheduling of registration information exists.
Fields Descriptions
Part of Term Part of term code for the base part of term.
Description Part of term description.
Start Date Part of term start date.
End Date Part of term end date.
Part of Term Schedule Calendar Default Date

Part of Term Schedule Calendar Default Dates are applied against a Part of Term and are optional.

When Part of Term Schedule Calendar Default Dates exist for Last Date to Enroll, Last Date for Refund, Last Date to Record Academic History or Last Date to Drop Without Penalty, these dates default from the part of term assigned when the section is created on SSASECT and will display on SSAACCL.

When the Copy From Term/Copy feature is used on SOATERM, any Part of Term Schedule Calendar Default Dates in the ‘Copy From’ term are NOT copied to the ‘Copy To’ term.

Number of Weeks Length of the part of term in weeks.
Census One Date Designates that census one enrollment be calculated for the part of term.
Census Two Date Designates that census two enrollment be calculated for the part of term.
Incomplete Extension Date Extension/expiration date when incomplete final grades become eligible to replace final grades during automated incomplete grade processing. This date serves as a default date when incomplete grades are assigned to a student.

The date can vary by part of term, is optional, and can remain null. The date will be null for old term records and can be left null for all terms when automated incomplete grade processing is not in use.

When the rules on SHAINCG indicate that automated incomplete grade processing is active for a term, with default grades on SHAGRDE that can be entered or overridden by faculty members, the extension date is also defaulted for the term or part of term that matches the CRN.

Section Override Check box used to indicate whether the start and end dates and census one and two freeze dates can be updated on SSASECT for the part of term.
  • When checked, these dates can be overridden on SSASECT.
  • When unchecked, these dates cannot be overridden and will default to the dates associated with this part of term.
Faculty Web Midterm Grades Check box that indicates whether mid-term grades are displayed on Web pages in Faculty and Advisors Self-Service.
Faculty Web Final Grades Check box that indicates whether final grades are displayed on Web pages in Faculty and Advisors Self-Service.
Faculty Web Wait List Check box that indicates whether waitlist information is displayed on Web pages in Faculty and Advisors Self-Service.