Waitlist Priority Reordering Rules

Use this section of the page to set up the priority rules for the term in the key.

The rules are used to provide various degrees of preferential treatment to students with characteristics matching the values entered on the rule. These rules are applied when a student is waitlisted for a CRN. Students that do not meet the criteria for any of the rules will receive the lowest priority. Waitlist priority rules only apply to courses that meet the course selection criteria. If no criteria have been set up, the waitlist priority rules are applied to all CRNs for the term. Use the Waitlist Priority Rules section to access this area of the page.

Fields Descriptions
Priority Priority number for the rule.

The priority does not have to be unique. A priority of 1 is the highest priority. Students matching the characteristics of a priority 1 rule are notified first, on a first-come, first-served basis.

Level Level code and description for the rule.
Campus Campus code and description for the rule.
College College code and description for the rule.
Degree Degree code and description for the rule.
Program Program code and description for the rule.
Field of Study Type Field of study type code and description for the rule.
Field of Study Code Major code and description for the rule.
Class Class code and description for the rule.
Cohort Cohort code and description for the rule.
Attribute Student attribute code and description for the rule.
Minimum GPA Minimum level GPA required for the rule.
Maximum GPA Maximum level GPA required for the rule.
Academic Standing Academic standing code and description for the rule.