key block

This block is used to define the query for the learner’s archived curriculum information.

Fields Descriptions
ID Enter the ID of the learner for which you want to see archived curriculum information.

List Person Search (SOAIDEN) page

Summary This field allows you to search on archived records in Recruiting, Admissions, General Student, and Academic History for the ID in the key. Select the type of summary you want to view, and query on the learner. You can then use Exit with Value to bring that record’s curriculum data back into SOIHCUR.

Choices are:

Recruit Summary - Prospect Summary (SRASUMI) page

Applicant Summary - Admissions Application Summary (SAASUMI) page

Learner Summary - General Student Summary (SGASTDQ) page

Learner Outcome Summary - Degree Summary (SHADGMQ) page

Module This is the learner module for which you want to see archived curriculum information.

List Learner Module Validation (STVLMOD)

Term This is the term for which you want to see the archived curriculum information.

List Term Code Validation (STVTERM)

Key Sequence This is the sequence number for the module record, either recruiting, application, or degree.