Curriculum section

This section is used to view all curriculum records associated with the host recruiting, admissions, learner, or outcome record for the learner. Use the Curriculum section to access this area.

Note: Use the View Current/Active Curricula (Indicator) in the Key section to control if you want only current and active curriculum records to be displayed in the Curriculum section.
Fields Descriptions
Record of This field displays the number of curriculum records that exist for the ID based on the data entered in the Key section, for example Record 1 of 5. Mouse through the records. As you scroll through the records, the data in the Curriculum and Field of Study blocks changes for each record.
Current This field specifies if the record is the most current for the priority or not. Valid values are checked (Current) or unchecked (Not Current).
  • Current (Y) displays the most recent row for each given priority (i.e., the highest sequence number for each priority).
  • Not Current (N) displays all rows for each priority that are not the most recent.
Seq Num This field specifies the SORLCUR_SEQNO associated with the selected curriculum row.
Activity This is the curriculum activity status code.
Key Sequence This is the key sequence number of the module record that is associated with the curriculum record. This sequence number will be the same as either the recruiting, application, or degree sequence number. If the record is for a learner, the key sequence number will always be 99.
Term This is the term code for the module’s curriculum record.
End Term This is the term code for the end term of the field of study.

This field is populated with the SGBSTDN effective term when the curriculum stops being current. If there is no future SGBSTDN term, the field will be blank.

Catalog Term This is the catalog term code for the module’s curriculum record.
Priority This is the priority number that defines the curriculum rank.
Program This is the program for the module’s curriculum record.
Level This is the level for the module’s curriculum record.
Campus This is the campus for the module’s curriculum record.
College This is the college for the module’s curriculum record.
Degree This is the degree for the module’s curriculum record.
Admission Type This is the admissions type code for the learner curriculum.
Admission Term This is the term code for admittance for the learner curriculum.
Application Sequence number from the application record from which the curriculum was derived. Display only. This field will not be populated if the learner record was generated from SAAQUIK.
Matriculated Term This is the term code for matriculation for the learner curriculum.
Module This is the learner module code for the curriculum and field of study.
Roll Learner Use this radio group to determine if the learner curriculum should be rolled to history (outcome). When the curriculum is rolled, the outcome record is created (SHADEGR), and the learner curriculum inserted for the outcome. A new outcome is not created if a previous outcome exists that has not been awarded and has a curriculum record with the same level, degree, college, and program. In this case, the curriculum is rolled to the existing outcome.

The choices are Yes, No, or Default. The default value originates first from the setting of the Primary (Indicator) or the Secondary (Indicator) on SOACURR. If a curriculum has not been defined, the default value then originates from the Create or Update Outcome Record with Primary Learner Curriculum radio group or the Create or Update Outcome Record with Secondary Learner Curricula radio group on SOACTRL.

  • Select Yes to roll the learner record to academic history (outcome).
  • Select No to not roll the learner record.
  • Select Default to use the curriculum rules defined on SOACURR (Primary or Secondary checkboxes) and SOACTRL (Create or Update Outcome Record with Primary Learner Curriculum radio group or Create or Update Outcome Record with Secondary Learner Curricula radio group).

All non-learner modules (Recruiting, Admissions, Academic History) will display a value of No in this field.

Rolled to Outcome Sequence number from the degree record to which the curriculum was rolled. Display only.
User ID This field displays the user ID of the person who created the record.
Activity Date This field displays the date the record was created or modified.
Start Date This is the start date of the curriculum. (This field is not used at this time.)
End Date This is the end date of the curriculum. (This field is not used at this time.)
Student Type Student type code entered specifically for the curriculum record.
Site Site code entered specifically for the curriculum record.
Rate Rate code entered specifically for the curriculum record.
Leave of Absence Leave of Absence code entered specifically for the curriculum record.
From Date Date from which the leave of absence code entered specifically for the curriculum record is in effect.
To Date Date to which the leave of absence code entered specifically for the curriculum record is in effect.
Expected Graduation Date Expected graduation date entered specifically for the curriculum record.
Graduation Term Graduation term code entered specifically for the curriculum record.
Graduation Year Graduation year entered specifically for the curriculum record.