Field of Study section

This section is used to display and update field of study information. The following fields are in this section.

The Attached Concentrations button is enabled and its name is displayed when the cursor is on a field of study record for a major with attached concentrations. Click on the button to display a list of the attached concentrations in a pop-up window. The button is not enabled if the cursor is on a record for a major with no attached concentrations, or if the record is for a minor or a concentration.

Fields Descriptions
Current This field specifies if the record is the most current for the priority or not. Valid values are Y (Current) or N (Not Current).
  • Current (Y) displays the most recent row for each given priority (i.e., the highest sequence number for each priority).
  • Not Current (N) displays all rows for each priority that are not the most recent.
Seq Num (Sequence Number) This field specifies the SORLFOS_SEQNO associated with the selected curriculum row.
Activity This is the curriculum activity status for the field of study.
Status This is the curriculum status for the field of study.
Term This is the term code for the field of study.
Type This is type code for the learner field of study.
Priority This is the priority number that defines the field of study rank.
Rolled (Indicator) Check box used to indicate that the field of study record has been rolled to a degree record.
Catalog This is the catalog term for the field of study.
End Term This is the term code for the end term of the field of study. (This field is not used at this time.)
Field of Study This is the major, minor, or concentration code for the field of study.
Department This is the department code for the field of study.
Attached to Major This is the major code associated with an attached concentration for a field of study row.
Full or Part Time This is the time status code for the field of study.
Start Date This is the start date for the field of study. (This field is not used at this time.)
End Date This is the end date for the field of study. (This field is not used at this time.)
User ID This field displays the user ID of the person who created the record.
Activity Date This field displays the date the record was created or modified.
Mouse Keyboard Result
Attached Concentra-tions N/A Lists concentrations attached to major